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 NPC Nationals 2011

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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

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MessageSujet: Re: NPC Nationals 2011   NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 EmptyDim 20 Nov - 11:58

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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

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MessageSujet: Re: NPC Nationals 2011   NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 EmptyDim 20 Nov - 11:59

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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

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MessageSujet: Re: NPC Nationals 2011   NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 EmptyDim 20 Nov - 11:59

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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

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MessageSujet: Re: NPC Nationals 2011   NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 EmptyDim 20 Nov - 12:00

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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

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MessageSujet: Re: NPC Nationals 2011   NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 EmptyDim 20 Nov - 12:00

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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

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MessageSujet: Re: NPC Nationals 2011   NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 EmptyDim 20 Nov - 12:01

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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

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MessageSujet: Re: NPC Nationals 2011   NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 EmptyDim 20 Nov - 12:01

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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: NPC Nationals 2011   NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 EmptyDim 20 Nov - 13:14

Todd Jewell ,vainqueur du toutes catés ...

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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: NPC Nationals 2011   NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 EmptyDim 20 Nov - 14:01

NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 Harris10

THE HARRIS REPORT PART TWO: 2011 NPC Nationals FINALS - What a Show!!
2011 NPC Nationals Finals Report
By Ron Harris

This was the largest NPC Nationals in the show’s nearly 30-year history, with over 900 competitors (thanks the newer divisions). The overall quality was outstanding, with many of the classes being extremely tough to call.

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Ron Hackaspker

Ron Hackaspker was one of the easier decisions as bantamweight winner. His strong powerlifting background gave him the muscle density to tackle this class with relative ease. You don’t get pecs and quads like this guy had without moving a lot of heavy iron.

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Luis Santiago

The lightweights came down to two men named Luis. Luis Moreno was thick and had great quads as well as tremendous confidence onstage, but had to settle for runner-up. Luis Santiago won with a rounder, fuller look, set off by a smaller waist.

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J.B. Bartlett

In the welterweights, my pick for the win, Julius Rumingan, took third place due to his condition just not being hard enough. But future winner? You know it. USA welter champ Victor Delcampo brought a lot of thick muscle to the stage in second place, but he has a boxy structure that detracts from his shape. J.B. Bartlett kicked ass with a superb overall package and blinding condition.

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Alan Bailey

Steve Silverman, middleweight runner-up, was thick as a freaking tank. If he had been a little sharper and kept his gut sucked in, he would have won. Instead, Alan Bailey swept the division with a nice balance of size, shape, and condition. Just as a note, I heard Ronald Torres, fifth place, was upset at how I called him out on his color and condition. I stand by what I said. He showed up tonight much darker, and looked so much better. No diss to Bailey, but Ronald had the best physique up there if he had been dialed in. I just hate to see someone like that NOT make the most of God-given gifts.

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Marco Rivera, Darron Glenn, Cory Mathews and Benny Brantly

Pre-contest light-heavy favorite Darron Glenn could only manage third place. He has a hell of a physique, but his quads need to be a lot harder and more separated. Best potential in the class was fourth place Cory Matthews from Texas – this guy is a FREAK!!! Benny Brantly took second with a killer structure and may have won had he been harder. Winning the class was Marco Rivera from the Bronx, who was thick, shredded, and owned the stage with total confidence.

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An Nguyen

There were some good Heavies, but just as I thought, An Nguyen won with a perfect score. Before even talking about the Overall, which he did not get, I feel he will make the best pro of them all. He has excellent size, shape, and structure.

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Yersky, Mone, Todd Jewell, Jemmott, Charles

The Supers was probably full of the most surprises. Drew Jemmott seemed to be a lock for second, but wound up in fourth. Thick and round Max Charles was all the way up in second, with wide Brian Yerskey in third. Winning was 265-pound Todd Jewell, who nearly died of appendicitis a year ago. He has loads and loads of striated beef, just too much to deal with for the other guys.

NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 JB5_8855wtmk_WRXJVNTKGE
Overall Champion Todd Jewell

And the Overall did go to big Todd, who joins an elite group of Overall National champs that includes Shawn Ray, Kevin Levrone, and Evan Centopani. Congrats to all the class winners, who now move on to the IFBB. Good night from Miami Beach!
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: NPC Nationals 2011   NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 EmptyDim 20 Nov - 17:42

Cory Matthews ,seulement 4ème en lourds-légers :

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Nombre de messages : 340
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 687
Réputation : 5
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2008
Age : 50
Localisation : bretagne

NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: NPC Nationals 2011   NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 EmptyDim 20 Nov - 21:26

super jewell Very Happy
mais très déçu de stephen frazier un potentiel de fou pas exploité euh
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: NPC Nationals 2011   NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 EmptyLun 21 Nov - 1:58

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Nombre de messages : 1664
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 3209
Réputation : -23
Date d'inscription : 14/06/2009
Age : 40

NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: NPC Nationals 2011   NPC Nationals 2011 - Page 3 EmptyMar 22 Nov - 20:08

la claque pour Williams!!!
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NPC Nationals 2011

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