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 Will Harris 2011

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Nombre de messages : 1898
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 3617
Réputation : 55
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2008
Localisation : Montréal

Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Will Harris 2011   Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 EmptyMar 12 Juil - 21:05

Crom a écrit:
C'est le Koloseum Gym à Fullerton qui va être content ( woops il est fermé et son proprio est en taule )

Reste le World Gym de Marina del Rey ( ah ben merde...fermé aussi )
ah bon Milos est sous les barreaux depuis quand et pourquoi ... ?
C'est quoi l'histoire ? rabbit
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Nombre de messages : 14296
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 21150
Réputation : 433
Date d'inscription : 03/01/2008

Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Will Harris 2011   Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 EmptyMar 12 Juil - 21:15

Pour un braquage l'année passée ( juillet 2010 ).
Il vient d'être libéré ( cette semaine ou la semaine dernière ).
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Nombre de messages : 260
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 324
Réputation : 6
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2008
Age : 37
Localisation : 72

Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Will Harris 2011   Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 EmptyMar 12 Juil - 22:03

putain c'est dingue ça!! il a braqué quoi? alalala c'est bodybuilder
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Will Harris 2011   Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 EmptyMar 12 Juil - 22:56

Il a refusé de libérer les lieux quand les flics sont venus reprendre possession du Koloseum (son ancienne salle) parce qu'il ne payait plus ses traites .Le braquage en question ,c'est parce qu'il était là pour récupérer du blé qui était dans la salle .
Il y a aussi des charges de violence sur sa femme (sacrée Milamar lol) et de résistance à arrestation .

Mais l'histoire est très floue ,difficile de savoir ce qui est vrai entre Milos le parano (et son lourd passé rempli de problèmes légaux) ,Milamar la manipulatrice ,les "méchants" policiers ...

Case Number: 10NF2063

Defendant: Sarcev, Milos

1 0 07/06/2010 211/212.5(c) PC F Robbery; second degree
2 0 07/06/2010 273.5(a) PC F Corporal injury - on spouse/cohabitant
3 0 07/06/2010 487(a) PC F Grand theft
4 0 07/06/2010 242 PC M Battery
5 0 07/06/2010 273a(b) PC M Child abuse and endangerment
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Will Harris 2011   Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 EmptyMar 12 Juil - 22:58

L'avis de Milos sur la question quelques jours après les faits :
Citation :

I think I am looking at 9 charges...not 5...and soon I'll probably have more;

breathing too much air...against a law?

1st - I robbed Milos Sarcev's Koloseum taking one daily deposit around 10:30 pm and took at home to deposit next day as somehow my partner kept forgeting to deposit ANY money for weeks...

2nd - I slapped illegal alien I fired 5 times who still works in my place of business as she punched me from behind with severe I dropped the bag I was holding...I was assaulted yet - charged with assault?! Now, how does someone wants to hurt anyone - with open hand slap (or with punch of any kind?) slap was warning...

3rd - child endangerment? I am my daughter's ONLY PROTECTION and YES by being arrested I put her in danger...I'll take that...

4th - domestic violence - NEVER...

5th - terroristic treat? I called DA office as I've heard my pretrial date was moved from 19th of July to either 15th or per my TRO - I could not contact my wife, of business or home...So, after I asked my lawyer if he could be so kind and find out for me if it is 15th or 16th - considering he is at that court daily - I would greatly appreciate it...Instead he gave me a phone number of DA office.
I called and after 5 times pronouncing and spelling my name with lady X not understanding me - I gave my Social Sec Number and DOB...

Later that day I was called by detective from Fullerton-PD - claiming I threaten Lady X to do XYZ...still don't know what exactly...and that was my 350 K bail...

6th - during arrest at the Court House - with my daughter in Court Room about 20 officers were there to make sure they manage dangerous criminal (me) as I was possibly trying to fight...As they were pushing me - I unlocked my knees so I would drop and show everyone I am harmless - but they kept me up...Only thing I asked was IF I could see my daughter...and as they refused to call her I yelled her name twice - that was my complete guilt...

7th- As detective on my case was very well aware of my AORTIC DISSECTION CARDIAC PROBLEM, with extreme anxiety and claustrophobia - he managed to do exactly everything to put me in position where my heart would give-out...details I am leaving for more appropriate times...but statement that was no accident I was treated the way I was - is exclusively as they tried to get me so worked up my heart would have give out... Any medical expert could tell you that...My dear friend Kris Dim was saved by a someone immediately took him to the hospital. Pocket in Aorta IF torn due to high anxiety situation I was put in - would leave 6 to 8 minutes for me to be on surgical table in order to live...You figure yourself...

8th - When detective finally came - I called him repeatedly Liar and piece of shit...but never threaten him as he states in his report that I yelled I'll kill him...I wouldn't do that even to Devil himself...Killing is not Godly thing to do...Fortunately there was only ten cops with microphones and everything was recorded - so I can't wait to hear that recording in the court.

What's more - As MY ANGELS - Nicole and Karen Acker - did manage to bail me out after a week or so in Central Jail...(where I had more stories to tell)...I immediately went to Fullerton PD to file complaint to both - officer who arrested me first time and Detective who arrested me second time...yet I wasn't given a chance...At least I wanted to tell the story and ask if I could record my testimony - but wasn't allowed (hmmmmm - go figure?)... However, I managed to give my inspirational posted and signed it to Detective - with mesage that I can't wait to hear his tape recording with my treat to kill him or anyone else...and that indeed I did call him a liar that he is and a piece of shit...but on poster I corrected to sack of shit...after carefull consideration...
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Nombre de messages : 260
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 324
Réputation : 6
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2008
Age : 37
Localisation : 72

Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Will Harris 2011   Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 EmptyMar 12 Juil - 23:06

lol un vrai feuillton policier quoi
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Will Harris 2011   Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 EmptyMar 12 Juil - 23:10

Citation :

1. First arrest was on July 6th...I went with my daughter to my Gym to ask for deposit from daily money was not deposited for weeks... I also asked for it just happened that my $200+ traffic ticket that suppose to be paid while I was in Germany - was never my license was suspended... my Jury Duty date was given to me "2 days after"...and after spending 3 days and 2 nights in Dusseldorf airport (as someone I asked to help me rebook my flight ...didn't want to help...) I learned that my BMW Leased car was still in my garage...?!

Well, as I had to borrow the car to take my mother to LAX that day I used opportunity to stop buy the gym as it was on the way...After I borrowed money for my mother to feed my kid (mother had forgot day earlier - July 5th, my daughter Aleksandra did call Police asking for her estranged mother that didn't call for last 9 days...) I figured - ONE DAILY DEPOSIT could be OK to ask for...

Well, as it happened - as I asked for deposit front-desk lady she told me that she doesn't have it [Police report states otherwise...She claimed she gave it to me...]...At the same time, my sister in law...for some reason started sprinting to the desk of our "manager" (my wife...who I still love with all my heart...regardless of her numerous attempts to get rid of me...I kind of like being abused...I guess)...

To make long story even longer...after asking if I could get ONE daily deposit and MY MAIL...I got answer...FUNNY YOU...or something like that...So I asked again...with same answer...

My daughter, BTW didn't want to come in as she was terrified what would her mother do after police called her day before telling her that her daughter is worried....and she replied she is voluntarily missing...and she is in no way kidnapped...(I was surprised that cops...or officers...didn't get the point...mother should not leave 12 year old daughter and never check on her for 9 days...I think...How about you?) she stayed the borrowed truck of my relative...

As it seems my wife was talking to some business partner (it happens to be my brother in law on the phone who also gave his false report to police of what he have heard....)...but as I believe in this country where INSTITUTION such as marriage takes belongings of married couple as "community property" and there is not such a thing as this is mine and that is yours ...and I made sure to gave my wife everything that I had and also accept nothing that she had as - OURS...There was never a single instance that I would tell her - leave that alone it is mine...Including my personal email, mail...and any otherwise private info...

So, as I never played American Football...I figured it is perfect time to try to be Bo Jackson (as Bo knows everything...Right?)...I grabbed small bag (gift I gave my daughter for Christmas 2008) as I knew there was deposit...I grabbed the bag and ripped of her shoulders as it was tiny straps that dont need much force to collapse...I didn't hurt my wife in no way...and there is the VIDEO FOOTAGE to prove that...

For some reason () her sister and Milamar - attacked me as I am steeling a billions (which might be a case...after all)...and as I managed to pull some running back tricks of Bo and Eric Dickerson (who I've met also) - I managed to get out of the door (North door as referred in Police report)...and form that point my daughter witnessed the rest...

She saw my wife pulling the bag I was holding...and her ant (my sister in law) punching me in the back of my head (area of upper neck...where she knows I have a....tumor...unfortunate ly). Her blow was so severe...I dropped the bag on the floor. So, after having this lady work for me and live with me for 10 years...always getting involved to help her sister and knowing that I can not ever be violent and hurt people I love - this time I decided to SLAP her....after she punched me with all her power behind my back into the most sensitive area of my head..!? Now, what is really OPEN HAND SLAP? Attempt to hurt, punish or....WARN someone?

Interestingly, contents of the bag were all over the place on the ground in front of "north door" as police would precisely say....and to my surprise - the most prized possession of my wife - her makeup bag - was left there on the ground...her wallet - with deposit...that I asked for and she called me FUNNY AS..OLE...for it...also on the ground....and she is taking whatever is left in that bag...?
Now, what could POSSIBLY BE THERE that was more important than two of her reasons for living: makeup and money?
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Nombre de messages : 195
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 354
Réputation : -2
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2011

Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Will Harris 2011   Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 EmptyMer 13 Juil - 10:58

ya de ces histoires dans ce milieu!
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Nombre de messages : 640
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 1038
Réputation : 14
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2008

Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Will Harris 2011   Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 EmptyMer 13 Juil - 14:07

c'est officiel la fermeture du gold ????
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Nombre de messages : 1500
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 1948
Réputation : 27
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2008
Age : 48

Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Will Harris 2011   Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 EmptyMer 13 Juil - 14:25

joffrey a écrit:
c'est officiel la fermeture du gold ????
C'est Dave Bourlet qui va pleurer... ca lui drainé de la clientele !
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Nombre de messages : 640
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 1038
Réputation : 14
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2008

Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Will Harris 2011   Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 EmptyMer 13 Juil - 15:32

Mulk a écrit:
joffrey a écrit:
c'est officiel la fermeture du gold ????
C'est Dave Bourlet qui va pleurer... ca lui drainé de la clientele !

pas forcement car le max muscle n est plus à coté du gold maintenant
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Will Harris 2011   Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 EmptyMer 13 Juil - 15:50

joffrey a écrit:
Mulk a écrit:
joffrey a écrit:
c'est officiel la fermeture du gold ????
C'est Dave Bourlet qui va pleurer... ca lui drainé de la clientele !

pas forcement car le max muscle n est plus à coté du gold maintenant

Et il n'avait pas forcément énormément de clients non plus .Mais ils étaient "de qualité" .

Là il est même mieux situé puisque le magasin est dans une zone commerciale .
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Will Harris 2011   Will Harris 2011 - Page 3 EmptyJeu 14 Juil - 13:09

suite de l'autre video