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 CROCOP veut overeem pour le nouvel an

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Nombre de messages : 11022
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 13185
Réputation : 148
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 43
Localisation : tout proche de la folie !

CROCOP veut overeem pour le nouvel an Empty
MessageSujet: CROCOP veut overeem pour le nouvel an   CROCOP veut overeem pour le nouvel an EmptyVen 26 Sep - 0:32

Report this postReply with quote *JUST IN* CC: We will settle our score on NYE
Posted: on Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:04 pm

interview de mirko

Mirko Filipovic is back in Croatia. The job in Japan wasnt done. His fight in Japan against Alistair Overeem was stopped because the Dutchman hit Cro Cop three times in the genitals after which Cro Cop couldn't resume.

Mirko showed up at the airport in sunglasses at around 20h. Overeem smashed both of his arcades and he has two stitches on both sides. Scratches are also visible on his forehead and neck, but Cro Cop was in the mood for a short chat and said that he was upset that the match had to be stopped because he was sure that his chance would come if they were to resume.

"I'm dissapointed with the outcome of the fight, I was immaculately prepared for this fight, but in came out the way it did. The third strike to my balls was very strong, but thats part of the sport and the job."

After the fight there were quit a lot of suggestions that it was better for Cro Cop that the fight was stopped because he didn't have a chance, but Cro Cop said that until the third strike to the nuts he wasn't even hurt.

"I would like to go into the fact if the strikes were deliberate or not. I know some people were saying that I was saved by the fact the match was ended. There was blood, but those cuts were nothing, small cuts to the arcades and I wasn't hurt until I got hit in the nuts. The third strike into the nuts was very powerful and the biggest problem was that the cup squashed my nuts. I'm sad, I'm sure that he is also but we'll meet again on NYE to settle the score." Stressing that the fight isn't confirmed by dream yet but its highly likely.

Filipovic is confident da he would of got his chance in the remainder of the fight because Overeems condition is his weak point.
"I must admit that he had the initiative, especially after I first hit the matt. Apart from that I had a small injury on my knee and I couldn't throw him of myself as I need to use both feet for that. I think that nothing that happened in the fight was worrying for me. I was frightened the ref would stop the fight because of the bleeding. Overeem started the fight well, but his conditioning is his biggest problem and the question remains how he would been later in the fight."

Overeem said after the match that he didn't hit CC the third time and that CC faked it because he knew he would lose the fight.
"If the Goat is lying his horn isn't, I think the video footage shows everything, he hit me."

We can hear more often than ever from the fans that he should call it a day and that his best is past him.

CC replies:
Maybe they are right, maybe they are wrong. First I need to relax, I need to go to the hospital for some check ups. I still have some problems, I pissed blood, but thats all part of the job."

And off Filipovic went....

Guys as I know its tough times for all of us so I translated this for you from

Link: ... 03363.aspx
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