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 Chicago Pro 2013

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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 21:55

Ce weekend :

Chicago Pro 2013 10018810

Dernière édition par LEECH le Dim 18 Aoû - 16:47, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 21:56

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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 21:58

début chez les -212 :

#20 Charles Ray Arde - BIG for this class. Small waist. Great conditioning. Quads could be a bit more separated. He really brought it today! WIIIIIDE back for 212. Needs to be just a tad tighter but he looks great!!!!

#22 Guy Cisternino - HUGE quads. Color is on point\. Striated glutes from the side. SHREDDED from behind. He looks incredible. pretty badass mohawk too! STRIATED quads as well!!!

#23 Chris Darby - Just too small to hang in this class. Good shape and posing but he's gonna need to add a LOT of size. Great color and conditioning!

# 24 James Darling -Narrow Quads . Good conditioning but could be tighter. Lower back is very lean though. Very impressive overall, probably not a front runner.

#25 Derek Farnsworth - Shredded quads. Great color. great x-frame which can be tough on a shorter guys. Gonna be hard to hang with the bigger guys but he looks amazing!!!! Hamstrings are diced up!!!

#26 Peter Foucaux - Very muscular upper body. Great front double bicep. legs a bit narrow from the front but look good in his side shots. Great side chest. Great rear delts!

Chicago Pro 2013 10051510
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 21:58

#27 Tricky Jackson - He is ON THE MONEY here boys! Quads are thick and diced. From the side his legs are peeled!!! Amazing rear double bicep. Just peeled and dry. Quads are amazing. Maybe the best I've seen him! He'll be in the front runners for sure!

#28 Rod Ketchens- Big upper body for the 212, lean and very vascular but just not a very pleasant physique. Came in good shape, legs are a little soft from behind though Great most muscular.

#29 Bola Ojex - WOW, where the hell did this guy come from. Needs bigger arms but his shape is AMAZING!!! LEGS are thick and peeles. Amazing back. EXTREMELY impressed with this guy. With a little more arm mass he could do serious damage in this division. CRazy ab shot He'll do very well!!!!
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 21:59

#30 Bryan Pazdzierz - Dry and grainy like we haven't seen yet in this class. Huge back. Giant side triceps. Quads are a bit narrow from the front. Not the most aesthetic but he is a massive 212. Probably the most conditioned we've seen yet!

#31 Angel Rangel Vargas - This guy looks pretty good. Legs look very short but he's got some great quads. Legs look great in his side chest. Color is very funny on his back and hams but this guy looks very good.

#32 Benjamin Para - Big guy but needs to be in better shape. Could do very well with some better conditioning. Overall he looks very good. Quads however are very lean when he locks them out!

#33 Louis Santiago. - Legs are undersized for this class. Good aesthetics but he needs to be bigger to be competitive here. With some time and leg mass he could do well.

#34 John Sherman. - Old school dude right here! Good muscularity, BIG hamstrings. Definately one of the bigger guys in this class but he could be a big harder in his back, Legs are pretty dry though. Great showing for a guy that hasn't bene around for a while. He could sneak into the top 5 or 6.

#35 Shelby Starnes. Great conditioning as we expected, but he needs to add to be able to hange here. Legs look very lean from the side!!! Legs from the back are probably the leanes here. Thick lower back for a 212 guy! Great pro debut for Shelby!!!!!
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:01

1st comparison round (not callout )

#20-28. Guy , tricky and charles ray arde are the clear front runners here. Charles' upper body is BIG for this class. Tricky and guy are on opposite sides, I wanna see them together!! Guy beats everyone from behind with conditioning but Charles' back is WIDE. Tricky looks amazing here! Derek Farnsworth holding his own...good for him!!!!
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:03

2nd comparison round (not callout)


John Sherman, Bola Ojex and Benjamin Para stand out. Paz is big and grainy but doesn't flow as well as the other guys. Shelby is just giving up too much zide. This Bola Ojec guy looks awesome!! John sherman is carrying a ton of mass!!!
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:04


Charles , Guy, Tricky, Bola Ojex, and DEREK FARNSWORTH...told you he was holding his own!!!

et pas de Peter Foucaux , dommage pour le frenchie
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:06

Tricky is in the middle between Guy and Bola. Charles ray arde just needs to be a bit tighter. Top 3 is very tight, gut Guy stands out bigtime in his read double bicep. Arde's back is HUGE!!! Boja has a crazy v taper. Trickys legs looks the best from the side. Guys quads are HUGE but trickys look a tad tighter.

I think its gonna be tricky, guy, bola, charles and derek. Tricky, guy and bola sent off stage
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:08

2nd Callout.

Paz, Sherman, Derek, Arde, Angel Vargas, Benjamin Para. I personall ythink sherman moves ahead of Derek and Arde here. He's not as tight but he's BIG. Derke might be losing a bit of ground here. Benjamin Para is getting better as we go, he's coming on bigtime!!
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:10

Pesée des 212 :

Chicago Pro 2013 IMG_9525_ZPTMYFTUDV

Chicago Pro 2013 IMG_9528_SOKBKOEQTY

Chicago Pro 2013 IMG_9534_FIDNANKMKN

Chicago Pro 2013 IMG_9538_SLTHQNFYPX

Chicago Pro 2013 IMG_9541_YOFMWJMRBH

Chicago Pro 2013 IMG_9543_NKBBYRVWTQ

Chicago Pro 2013 IMG_9566_FIFGQENWOY
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:11

3rd Callout. Everyone Else.

Shelby fares well in this group, but it looks as if Peter Foucaux leads this callout. Shelby is incredibly dry! #24 James Darling has a lot of muscle and good shape and good aesthics, he could do well in the future.

End of 212
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:12

Guy et Derek sont superbes sur les photos, bien sec !
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:16

1er callout :

Chicago Pro 2013 10015110
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:21


#1 Lee Banks- Lee is on the money. Very Full, Great x fram. Glutes and hamstrings are in from behind. Back double bicep and lat spread look crazy. Very small waist for such a big guy. Should definitely be in the top 5/6

#2 Jeff Beckham - Tall Guy with great structure. Believe he was a former team U winner. This guy isn't gonna make waves here, but he's got a TON of potential! Good muscularity and his conditioning is good. Good lines and a wide fram for a tall guy.

#3 Lionel Beyeke - Lionel is HUGE and SHREDDED!!!! Quads are crazy full and straited. TINY waist with a huge front lat spread. Side chest is nuts. Needs to be a bit tigher in the hams ang glutes and in his rear double bicep. Lat spread is amazing and his lower back is diced.
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:24

#4 Justin Compton - He looks INCREDIBLE. CRAZY side chest, quads are huge with great shape. Glutes are shredded and his back double bicep is nuts. He NAILED it guys. AMAZING pro debut. TINY waist. Most muscular is incredible!!!

#5 Constantinos Demetriou - Great front double bicep but needs more quad mass. Legs a bit shallow from the side. In great shape, vascular rear double bicep. Very Dry and grainy!

#6 Stefan Havlik - Great shape, shredded. More dream tan though...doesntl looks good. Legs very thick from the side. Upper back needs to be tighter. Great side tricep, quads are very shredded. Small waist with an awesome ab shot!!!
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:28

#7 Ken Jackson. Great frame but needs to add a lot of mass and needs to be tighter overall. Lower back is shredded. Legs look soft in his side shots but his quads are striated when he locks them out. More mass and he'll be one to watch!

#8 Mike Liberatore - Good shape and muscularity. Needs more chest mass. Needs to be just a tad harder but overall he looks good. Quads are thick with deep separation. Not a front runner but he should place well.

#9 Manuel Lomeli - THICK chest, quads are striated. Waist is a little thick front to back. Needs better conditioning in the back. Lacking in the lat spread. Good most muscular
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:31

Men -212 comparaisons

Chicago Pro 2013 Derimg10
Chicago Pro 2013 Derimg11
Chicago Pro 2013 Derimg12
Chicago Pro 2013 Derimg13
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:32

#10 Alexandre Nataf - Looks like a bigger version of Bryan Paz from the 212 class. Not the best lines but big and grainy. THICK rear double bicep! Wide waist but he's shredded. Could use some more color. Brown posing trunks not a good color choice.

#11 An Nguyen. - Great sja[e and fullness. Quads look a little narrow from the front. Impressive legs from the side but he needs to be sharper. Back shots really expose a lack of conditioning. Small waiste. TONS of potential here. Just needs to be tighter.

#12 Jojo Ntiforo - Massive upper body, great front double bicep. Quads are lean but under htese lights they dont look as separated as they need ot be. Very soft from behind. Looks at least 4-5 weeks out, maybe more in his back shots.
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:35

#13 Essa Obaid. - He looks amazing! Big, full muscle bellies, shredded!! Not as hard from the back as some of the other guys here. Lower back is pretty shredded but his legs from the back need to be leaner. Ridiculous most muscular Working the crowd a little bit!!!!

#14 Craig Richardson - Would've done great in the 212 , possible won it but he's just gonna be giving up too much size here I think. Conditioning looks great, but from behind he needs to be tighere.
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:42

#15 Jonathan Rowe. Big dude, wide back, needs to be significantly tighter. Good quads, nees a little more mass all over. Missed the mark today.

#16 Keith Williams - Keiths upper body is BIGGGG. Legs look good from the side but he's gonna need more quad mass to hang with some of the front runners. Good conditioning from the back but he could be a tad tighter. Great most muscular with a striated chest! Good showing for Keith!!

#17 Bill Wilmore - Shredded as always. Great front double bicep and lat spread. Legs are dry and grainy from the side. Good conditioning from the back but he could be a tad tighter...seems like the them with alot of guys. Crazy ab shot and most muscular!

#18 Roelly Winklaar - Massive . Masive. Massive. Front double bicep is crazy! Legs from the side are nuts. Quads could be drier buy they have deep cuts. Rear double bicep is nuts. Hamstrings look great. Locked out his quad and its striated. most muscular is insane!!!

tiens Roelly aurait trouvé la secret miracle pour lui ?

I have Justin, Roelly and lionel as top 3, lets see them together.
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:44

First comparison. #1- #6. Compton is next to lionel and holding his own . Gives up a little mass but from behind he beats lionel with conditionion. Lee banks looks good as well. Justin's legs need a little more front to back mass but he's the most conditioned out of this group. Beyeke has biggest lat spread but compton is drier. Lee banks is lookikng great here. Stefan looks great but is just too small. Constantinos looked good as well!!
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:46

Second comparison # 7-12.

Mike Libertore stands out here. Alexandre Nataf is massive but just doesn't have the lines. Jojo is WAY off from behind. An Nguyuen just needs to be tighter and he's be in the running.
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:48

Comparison 3


Roelly looks soft just standing there, but when he hits the shots everything pops. Essa looks tighter from the front than Roelly. Bill willmoire is standing next to Roelly but looks good. Craig Richardson is just too small here. Looks good but stoo small. Roelly's quads are significantly bigger than bills but bills look tighter. Essa and Roelly stood out here.
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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Chicago Pro 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chicago Pro 2013   Chicago Pro 2013 EmptySam 6 Juil - 22:49


Roelly, Essa, Lionel , Bill, Justin, Lee.
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Chicago Pro 2013

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