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 EVL’s Prague Pro 2012

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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 19:51

Up to 168cm top 6 placings:

6th - Frida Horvath - Gorgeous! Great flow, not as lean as some but amazing genetic shape, legs could be tighter. From the front is World class

5th - Hanna Maliarova - Great legs, too separated though maybe? Muscular glutes. Nice delts, she's very good! Really knows how to pose to create the lines.

4th - Kristina Karaliute-Stoliaroviene - Long hair!!! Tan's a bit patchy, hair is distracting. Could use a little more muscle to give her improved shape.

3rd - Monika Rosenbergerova - Another Slovakian! That's it, I'm moving to Slovakia. Wow. Really good. Gorgeous. Love the blue bikini and black hair, great colour. Nice condition, just right.

2nd - Denisa Lipovska - Wow! Is she too muscular in some areas? Big crowd fave. Slovakian. Impressive from the front. Beautiful shape.

1st - Karina Mogayova Antovska - Slovakia again! Looks pro. My fave so far I think in this lineup. Great presentation:
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Attachment

Dernière édition par louloubabar le Sam 27 Oct - 20:06, édité 2 fois
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Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 19:54

Over 168cm top 6 placings:

(Ruhl says - "They're all blonde!")

6th - Marie Miksova
5th - Olga Putrova
4th - Sandra Syciova
3rd - Jana Majerniikova
2nd - Martina Abukhlal
1st - Vladamira Krasova
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Nombre de messages : 22017
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Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 19:56

Overall bikini (Amateur Bikini Winner):

Vladamira Krasova
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_7221_POWMHCLNBE
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Nombre de messages : 22017
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Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 20:12

Prejudging 1st Callout EVLS Prague Pro 2012:
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Nombre de messages : 22017
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Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 20:12

2nd, 3rd &b4th Callout EVLS Prague Pro Open Prejudging 2012:
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Nombre de messages : 22017
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Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 20:13

Last Callout EVLS Prague Pro Prejudging 2012:
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Nombre de messages : 22017
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Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 20:13

212 Callouts EVLS Prague Pro Prejudging 2012:
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Nombre de messages : 22017
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Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 20:13

Roelly Winklaar Prejudging of 2012 EVLS Prague:
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Nombre de messages : 22017
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Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 20:14

Bikini Prejudging EVLS Prague Pro 2012:
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Nombre de messages : 22017
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Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 20:15

Amateur Olympia Bikini Prejudging up to 163cm 2012 EVLS Prague Pro:
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Nombre de messages : 22017
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Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 20:16

Retour au direct, play by play:

212 on now

Oliver Azdievski - Massive chest. Colour looks off from today. Still needs tighter condition. Legs smoothed out a tad from this morning.

Sami Al Haddad - Held his peak from this morning. Shawn Ray-like posing. Seen a few stolen transitions! Need to pay Shawn for those, copyright and all that. He's so dry, back and delt in rear double bicep smoothing out. Looks nice and full. Crowd loves him. Front lat spread is epic!!!! Stunning lines. Abs are ROCK!

Khalid Almohsinawi - (don't have competitor list so won't attempt spellings of difficult names) - The biggest 212 around! And SHREDDED!!! Lines all over his back right down through his traps. Delts and chest and just brutally thick and dense. You could lose your keys in his inner chest!

Marcus Becht - He's not bad at all this guy. Wide, big, smoothed out from this morning considerably. Needs to watch the tum, like a Flasher in Winter - don't let it all hang out!!! Funky hair, how did he smooth out so fast?

William Bonac -He deserves 3rd. Get rid of the hernia for next year William! It's spoiling the pretty picture you've painted! Back, arms and delts to crush ANYONE who stands in his path. Side chest could hang with Dave Henry. Rear double bi to stand toe to toe with Sami or Flex. I hope in the Court of muscledom that tonight he get's NO rough justice.

Steve Benthin - Like Bonac last weekend in Manchester here is the most exciting newcomer. Cool voiceover, he's miming to umm, himself. Nice. Softened up a lot from this morning. Colour could be darker. Shaking his umm, bum. Great entertaining routine. So much potential

Masoom Butt - Said he's 190lbs today, 4 pounds heavier than last week. Rear double bicep head to toe is SICK!!! Looks like he got attacked by a pack of Wolves, deep, sick cuts EVERYWHERE!!! Poor Masoom! Arms are World class, reminds me of Makkaway from the 80's. Looks fuller here this week. One to watch this next year or two. Will get revenge over Lukas Osladil tonight. (Luka beat him in Toronto)

Edwardo Correa - Better tonight! Fuller AND drier if that's even possible? Love the dramatic music. Aaarghhh, quads!!!! Someone's skinned him and painted them brown!! OMG!!! Fuller!!!!! Needed to be. Perfect colour, BIG crowd response.

Fauzi Hanst - Wide upper body, is getting there with his condition, not quite there though yet. Good poser, nice funky transitions. Shoulders so wide, pec tear a little distracting.

Ralf Herget - 48 years old, big and thick but 12 pounds too heavy, chest, delts and especially arms are INSANELY massive. A chunky chap. A solid appearance, just not hard enough.

Flex Lewis - Love the music, spine tingling. Arnold voice over. BETTER tonight, fuller, (Okay Neil?). Delts in the side chest, holy shit!!! Makes me proud to be Welsh! This is more like it, things are really jumping and poppin' now! Even better than last week. Colour is better too, was yellow, now he's red! Like an M&M!!! Peaked to perfection. Cool "Fire, Wire" music. Doo doo doo doo (pumps fist)...

Lukas Osladil - Nothing like his Toronto 212 appearance. Soft, for him anyway, is normally always deeply shredded. 6 pounds too heavy. Doin' the Splits, making my eyes water! Home town fave obviously. Stomach looks bloated. His calling card IS condition so smash up them scales Lukas! Back is super-wide. Could use more arms for sure. Keep in that tum! Expected more.

Lee Powell - Told me he dropped 8 pounds this week and properly depleted and loaded for this. Didn't for the British GP. 100% better, looked poor (for him) last week but looks superb this weekend in Prague. Even better tonight! Back to business Lee! Even his trademark legs are BACK with a vengeance. Should snag a good placing here, 8th? Back to his professional self, always has a great stage presence. It never fails to amaze me how much these guys can change in just SEVEN days! From zero to HERO!!

Frederick Sauvage - From France, was really looking forward to seeing this guy, I'm a big fan. But does not look at his best, not by a mile. Way out. Nothing going on from the waist down. This guy I'm tellin' ya is DANGEROUS when he's 'on', even when he competed open class. Big baggy, soggy pants on like Alvin Small! Don't judge this guy or write him off, he will be back and you'll all be eating your harsh judgements then. I knows my sausages me.

Dernière édition par louloubabar le Sam 27 Oct - 20:31, édité 2 fois
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 20:52

First callout:

- William Bonac, Edwardo Correa, Sami Al Haddad and Flex Lewis.
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 20:57

Next callout:

Marcus Becht, Oliver Azdievski, Fauzi Hanst, Lee Powell, Lukas Osladil and Ralf Herget.
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 20:58

Next callout:

Khalid Almohsinawi, William Bonac Bonac, Frederick Sauvage and Masoom Butt.

NM - Sauvage is soft from the waist down.

GT - Bonac destroying em. Khalid HUGE beyond belief. I think Bonac is fading.
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 20:59

Top ten -212:

10th - Lee Powell ($500)
9th - Lukas Osaladil ($500)
8th - Frederick Sauvage ($500)
7th - Steve Benthin ($500)
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 21:03

Le top 6 est donc composé de:
Masoom Butt, William Bona, Khalid Almohsinawi, Flex Lewis, Sami Al Haddad & Edwardo Correa
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 21:34

En pro Bikini:
Top ten:

10ème - Andrea Hertlein (39) ($500)
9ème - Dianna Graham (38) ($500)
8ème - Gemmalyn Crosby (36) ($500)
7ème - Talia Terese (44) ($500)
6ème - Tanja Canc (35)
5ème - Michelle Brannan (33)
4ème - Nikola Weiterova (46)
3ème - Noemi Olah (43)
2ème - Anna Virmajoki (45)
1ère - Justine Munro (41)

La gagnante: Justine Munro:
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_6384_QXFZPPXZXW
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_6380_XRJICXKKAZ

Dernière édition par louloubabar le Dim 28 Oct - 12:15, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 21:35

Posings en Men's Open:

Jaime Atienza - Big, hardcore, heavy look but posing to (as Lee Haney once said when compereing the 1994 Olympia) 'Twinkle Toe music', but hey, I give him props for that. I think this guy could be really good, just another Euro-Freak wannabe, if Neil Hill got and dropped ten-twelve pounds off him he'd SHOCK himself:
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_6543_RNBTHAZVEO

Grigori Atoyan - (Ruhl sounding like he's clearing his throat when saying his last name). Didn't look this good a week ago. Definite pro-level size and density. Nice posing, pretty cool stange presence. Combing aesthetic artistic posing with heavy, hard shots. Keeps everyone happy, men, women, grannies, you name it. Legs are nice and dry. A good appearance:
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_6555_TILVJHBOEA

Thomas Benagli - I'm telling you, keep an eye out for this guy, if he's smart and listens to what's best for HIS physique then he could be a pro show winner. Some of the Euroguys just fight with each other t obe the biggest and heaviest and that's not always the best way to really succeed in the pro's, look at the 212's! They have to keep it back and look at THEM dudes:
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_6577_BKCSAMKFNA

Toney Freeman - Me and my wing girl Nathalia bobbing our heads to Toney's cool music. Changed music to 'black and yellow', hell yeah! Melo likes Toney's shaking butt. Again, he's holding that Olympia condition. Nice. Looks even better tonight. He won't take JOJ and he has the brick wall called ROBERT to get through. That won't be easy no sir:
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_6579_QUKFWAPOPU

Johnnie Jackson - AWESOME!!! Melo diggin' JOJ's music. Gir'ls got some moves. Oh my GOD! Upper body is even FULLER!!!! Side chest I've never seen like this before. Catch my interview with him later on here today! Legs are 3D from the side! I think he's nailed as good as he could have this weekend, hats off, oh that's right, I'm not wearin' one. Crowd FAVE!!!:
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_6608_TQUDZCNDIN
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 21:48

Michael Kefalianos - LOVE that side chest, signature pose definitely! This is Sparta voice over, quite cool cos we're IN the Sparta stadium! Great musci changes, AC-DC Back in Black! Really improved his posing. Much more controlled. Crazy most muscular!:
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_6636_YVGJRIAMDF

Yuri Leonov - The Russian super-freak! Faded from Finland and Manchester. Still, a mighty impressive physique. Looks like he eats ten bunnies for breakfast he's so mean and massive! Which is good as rabbit is VERY high in creatine. Right, I'm getting on the creatine!:
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_6656_IIIMIDZCKL

Robert Piotrkowicz- Told Melo to prepare herself for this guy as he's a FREAK!! Posing to Thunderstruck. Nice Bobert! That chest is crazy. Posing under the good light which makes him not even look HUMAN! He could dserve 2nd, but I think 4th or 5th is where he'll end up. Melo - "He looks real good Giles". Crowd loves HIM!!!:
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_6686_EQLIVYEKWL

Shawn Rhoden - Pausing for that front double bicep, building the dramatic effect and it works! BOOM!! Smoothed out a little over this morning. Melo - "His quads are the sizer of my whole body". Who says bodybuilding isn't art? Not this Tiger! Robert destroys him on condition. Balance is flawless (hasn't fell over once, boom boom) Melo taking shots of Shawn!:
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_6719_MKMSUBEBAY
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 22:05

Daniele Seccarecci - Big tall guy, huge frame, nice delts, wide as hell:
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_6793_EDYMMUEHIC

Alvin Small - Ruhl chuckling once more over Alvin's last name. 30% better than last weekend, but still not where he needs to be. Music lyrics really touching as I know what they'll mean to Alvin. Delts are World class. Harden up that lower body and go for the Master's Olympia mate! Hitting nice aesthetic poses and the more hardcore one's. Should be battling it out with Freeman and Nunn, guys of a similar size and structure. Music was a bit dull Alvin. Sorry. Where's the lucky red hat?:
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_6795_IQZHPMXAGB

Tommi Thorvildsen - Melo says "he's holding water on his back". Still needs more time back in the gym to come back and make a suitable impact. Competed in the 2002 Olympia and was a Weider athlete so he's no chump. Thick and you just know he's a strong, powerful guy, most Norweigans are, I've been!:
EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 DSC_6811_QQWUQDWHOC

Roelly Winklaar - Nice slow posing. Not keen on them trunks. White trunks always look like underwear to me. Looking forward to seeing him take some time off and coming back bigger and better in 2013. One of my faves I - just like so many of us - want to see him fulfil the potential. Melo says she's not a fan of the slow posing music. "Sounds like prom":

Dennis Wolf - Wow! Crowd gasping. 'The Wolf effec't voiceover, LOVE IT!!!! So damned cool. I think he'll take Rhoden. Rhoden's faded and Wolf has held his peak, something he usually struggles with. Melo trying to take pics but she says she's missed every single pose! Love this music. definitely NOT 'Twinkle Toe'. Love his posing too. A real throwback to the 80's Artiste's in the IFBB pro ranks. Beeautiful, like Hidetade he keeps on that tradition of posing and physique artistry. Respect is due to the Wolfman:

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Normal_DSC_6860

Dernière édition par louloubabar le Sam 27 Oct - 22:20, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 22:17

First callout:
Shawn Rhoden, Dennis Wolf and Johnnie Jackson.

Il semblerait que Wolf soit meilleur que Rhoden ce soir (peut-être même dans la forme de sa vie...)...Reste à voir si les juges vont valider celà !!
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 22:22

Next callout:
Michael Kefalianos, Edd Nunn,Ronny Rockel, Roelly Winklaar, Robert Piotrkowicz & Toney Freeman...
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 22:25

Next up:
Alvin Smal, Tommi Thorvildsen, Jaime Atienza, Daniele Seccarecci, Grigori Atoyan, Thomas Benagli & Yuri Leonov.
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 22:28

Bon je vous laisse ici, je vais me mater un film.
La suite, çà se passe:
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Nombre de messages : 1898
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 3617
Réputation : 55
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2008
Localisation : Montréal

EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVL’s Prague Pro 2012   EVL’s Prague Pro 2012 - Page 4 EmptySam 27 Oct - 23:44

10th - Thomas Benagli ($1000)
9th - Michael Kef ($1000)
8th - Roelly ($1000)
7th - Ronnie Rockel ($1000)

Sorry, lost power there for a moment so went diving under the tables looking for a power source, not very dignified but we're cool. Nathalia best assistant EVER! Or am I hers? Ahh, who cares...

Top 6 comparison...

- Robert, Freeman, JOJ, Rhoden, Wolf and Nunn...
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EVL’s Prague Pro 2012

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