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 Jon Griffith 2012

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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

Jon Griffith 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Jon Griffith 2012   Jon Griffith 2012 EmptyJeu 9 Fév - 20:27

MD's Euro-Muscle Scene travels all the way down to sunny Wales this time out to visit with Welshman and current UKBFF light-heavyweight British champ Jon Griffith. At 4 weeks out from making his first contest appearance at the amateur Arnold in Columbus, Jon shares with us his story of how he made it back from a serious quad tendon injury where Doc's told him he might never be able to walk or train 100% ever again. Fast forward to 2012 and here he is going in to Ohio as one of the possible front runners in one of the biggest amateur shows on Earth! Add to that his pre-contest chest training and showing us all some crazy-ass conditioning Jon proves why he is so deserving of the title - 'Euro-Freak'! Part One.
Jon Griffith 2012 12aa_jong_giles1_rot

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Jon Griffith 2012

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