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 David Mastorakis

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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

David Mastorakis Empty
MessageSujet: David Mastorakis   David Mastorakis EmptyMar 24 Jan - 15:45

David Mastorakis 399832_329899393711415_147674055267284_1044256_1420737326_n

David Mastorakis is known as bodybuilding's child prodigy. In 1965 at the very young age of 15 David was selected as the youngest bodybuilder to qualify as a Mr. America competitor. Nine years later he would take third place. For the next three consecutive years he did the same. During his 17 years of competition, he won over 75 awards. As a teenager his first award was third in the Mr. New England contest. He later went on to win Mr. East Coast, Mr. Atlantic States, Mr. New England States, Jr. Mr. America and Mr. North America. He has appeared on the cover of several national bodybuilding magazines. He retired from competition in 1982 and began personal training. One of the very first to do so in the state of California. He has kept in good condition. In 1998, he decided to try the natural bodybuilding competition. he took 3rd place in the masters division in the ABA Mr. World. In doing so he realized the discipline and dedication it takes to compete as an older competitor and totally natural. This is when he created Lords of Discipline for natural bodybuilders. Proud to be drug free. Natural bodybuilders have the difficult job of getting into contest condition without the use of dangerous and sometimes life threatening drugs. DISCIPLINE is their only real WEAPON to accomplish this task. We are proud to create this clothing line specifically for them.
David Mastorakis Dave-M-Atlantic-States-227x300

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