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 Plyométrie (Plyometrics)

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Nombre de messages : 9368
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 13759
Réputation : 211
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2008
Age : 38

Plyométrie (Plyometrics) Empty
MessageSujet: Plyométrie (Plyometrics)   Plyométrie (Plyometrics) EmptyDim 15 Jan - 23:17

Citation :
This is a long video, but if your new to plyometrics, please watch ALL of it! In this series we'll cover a variety of plyometric exercise routines.

For questions, please ask on or comment on this video.

can also refer plyometrics as explosive exercises. These are workouts that consist of fast, powerful movements. They are generally used to improve sports performance, but they are now being used as people who want to just tone up and stay in shape. When doing plyometrics, muscles are being contracted in a rapid sequence.

Plyometrics are going to help with activities such as jumping higher, running faster, throwing further, or hitting harder. With that kind of variety, it is important to develop a plyometrics routine that will cater to your needs. There are lower body plyometrics and there are upper body plyometrics. If you want to get fast, then plyometrics will be a huge plus to your training routine.

If done properly, plyometrics can also prevent injuries from weak muscles and tendons that lack stability.

Here are some FAQs!

Who invented plyometrics?
Professor Yuri Verkhoshanskyis invented plyometrics in the 1950s. A little about Verkhosnkysis -

He was a Russian researcher prominent in the field of explosive strength. He is considered to be one of the greatest experts in the theory of sports training.
He also applied the Physiology of Adaptation in the theoretic analysis of the sport training process. He was a cool guy, but we're not going to get to deep into him. Lets talk more about what plyometrics are.

Is it just lower body?
No, there are upperbody plyometrics as well.

What are some of the types of plyometric exercises and kind of equipment do you need?
We can do plyometrics with or without equipment. Some equipment you can use include boxes and hurdles.
Plyometrics is evolving and new exercises are being added often. Some lower body exercises that we do today include box jumps, lateral box jumps, hurdle jumps and many other exercises.

Some upper body exercises include clap pushups, medicine ball throws and many others.

Who is it for?
Who isn't it for? Its for everyone, from athletes to people who want to just tone up. It would benefit athletes who need to be explosive most though. If you have biomechanics decencies, I would highly suggest you consult a doctor or expert.

How many sets and reps should I do?
It all depends on the exercise you do. Keep in mind that plyometric exercises are suppose to make you faster and more explosiveness. When we do plyometrics, we want to be fast and explosive overtime. Ample rest between sets is important. If your goal is becoming more powerful as an athlete, then we should not allow this be too much of an aerobic workout. I will be doing a list

Can I wear ankle weights or a weight vest to increase intensity?
Well of course you can, but would it be smart? Ankle weights can lead to injury if not used properly. I personally stay away from ankle weights. If you want to add weight to plyometrics, I would suggest a weight belt, and do not go very heavy.

Cant I lift weights and get similar results? The answer to that is maybe some people can pull it off, but numerous studies have shown that a plyometric routine along with a strength or weight lifting routine will provide best results.

Now although plyometrics can strengthen your lower body, it is important that due to the large force generated on certain exercises, there is also a chance of injury if exercises are not excited properly or if you have not conditioned properly prior to the plyometric workouts.

What can you do to prepare for plyometrics?
I suggest starting with a basic aerobics program until you feel you have good stamina and flexibility. You don't have to be in crazy endurance shape, as that is not our ultimate goal here. Its just good to be in decent aerobic shape.

I would also suggest loosing some weight. Carrying around extra weight on these workouts can be tough on the joints and your landings wont be solid. When we we land from a jump, we always want to land as graceful as possible to prevent injuries. Hard landings equal hard impact

Doing basic exercises such as lunges, squats, drills such as high knees, butt kicks various skips will also help with your plyometrics.

Now you guys know what plyometrics are, so lets go into the vertical jump next. In the next video, we are going to talk about the vertical jump and after we'll start talking about the different lower body plyometric exercises!

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Nombre de messages : 9368
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 13759
Réputation : 211
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2008
Age : 38

Plyométrie (Plyometrics) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Plyométrie (Plyometrics)   Plyométrie (Plyometrics) EmptyLun 16 Jan - 10:45

Citation :
To go straight to the workout, please skip to 1:51
So finally! I'm back on the track jumping slowly but surely. These are the workouts that I've done to increase my vertical jump. All the flips over high things, the high jumps, explosiveness... comes from this! Stay in tune, next video we'll talk about plyometrics. We'll talk about EVERYTHING you need to know! These exercises are for beginners and advanced athletes, for any sports requiring explosive movements such as basketball, track and field, soccer, volleyball, football, freerunning, parkour, capoeira, martial arts, gymnastics, breakdancing and a variety of other sports

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Nombre de messages : 9368
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 13759
Réputation : 211
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2008
Age : 38

Plyométrie (Plyometrics) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Plyométrie (Plyometrics)   Plyométrie (Plyometrics) EmptyMar 17 Jan - 12:35

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Nombre de messages : 9368
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 13759
Réputation : 211
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2008
Age : 38

Plyométrie (Plyometrics) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Plyométrie (Plyometrics)   Plyométrie (Plyometrics) EmptyMar 17 Jan - 12:37

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Nombre de messages : 9368
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 13759
Réputation : 211
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2008
Age : 38

Plyométrie (Plyometrics) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Plyométrie (Plyometrics)   Plyométrie (Plyometrics) EmptyMer 18 Jan - 11:57

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Nombre de messages : 11320
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 15456
Réputation : 110
Date d'inscription : 14/01/2008
Age : 52

Plyométrie (Plyometrics) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Plyométrie (Plyometrics)   Plyométrie (Plyometrics) EmptyMer 18 Jan - 12:46

Merci DBS pour ces clips (et pour le taf en général sur cette section).

Ca me rapelle des souvenirs LOL

Ca marche bien j'avais prit énormément de détente avec ce type d'entrainements.
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Nombre de messages : 9368
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 13759
Réputation : 211
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2008
Age : 38

Plyométrie (Plyometrics) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Plyométrie (Plyometrics)   Plyométrie (Plyometrics) EmptyMer 18 Jan - 13:56

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Nombre de messages : 9368
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 13759
Réputation : 211
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2008
Age : 38

Plyométrie (Plyometrics) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Plyométrie (Plyometrics)   Plyométrie (Plyometrics) EmptyMar 24 Jan - 11:44

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Nombre de messages : 9368
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 13759
Réputation : 211
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2008
Age : 38

Plyométrie (Plyometrics) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Plyométrie (Plyometrics)   Plyométrie (Plyometrics) EmptyMer 25 Jan - 10:45

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Nombre de messages : 9368
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 13759
Réputation : 211
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2008
Age : 38

Plyométrie (Plyometrics) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Plyométrie (Plyometrics)   Plyométrie (Plyometrics) EmptySam 2 Juin - 11:04

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MessageSujet: Re: Plyométrie (Plyometrics)   Plyométrie (Plyometrics) Empty

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Plyométrie (Plyometrics)

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