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 Fouad Abiad 2011

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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyLun 17 Jan - 18:51

Aux pecs et triceps ,à 5 semaines du Flex Pro :

Fouad Abiad 2011 Fouad_10
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyVen 21 Jan - 2:14

Fouad Abiad 2011 Fouad_10

le blog de fouad est l'un des plus fourni des concurrents du flex pro

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Nombre de messages : 3436
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 6623
Réputation : 65
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyVen 21 Jan - 13:44

sur la vidéo des pecs/triceps il se donne à fond à chaque série ! espérons qu'il sera récompensé par la suite.
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyMer 26 Jan - 9:59

Fouad Abiad 2011 Fouad_11

January 24, 2011
My Support System
It’s Sunday, about four weeks out from the show and what am I going through? Well after missing out on Christmas and New Years I was okay, but today is the AFC and NFC championships....I’m not doing so good. I always love celebrating Christmas with friends and my girlfriend but nothing beats NFL playoff time. There is just so much hype and so much enthusiasm from everyone at the gym, the grocery store, it doesn't matter. I walk through the gym and people there are talking about whose going to beat who, I'm waiting in line at the grocery store and the guy in front of me has a cart full of sausages, chips, salsa and wings! It seems like everyone, everywhere is in football mode and it’s my favorite time of year!

So I have two choices: Do I ignore all the people at the gym and the grocery store, asking me about the games and be a grumpy ass bodybuilder or do I suck it up and decide that just because I can't eat and let loose doesn't mean I have to miss out on the fun? This has definitely been the hardest prep I have gone through in all my years of bodybuilding. Not in terms of how hard the diet is, more in terms of social outings. The time of year from November thru March seems to be the busiest with holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and all the football, not to mention Valentine’s Day. All of these are a pass when the task at hand is getting shredded. They all take a backseat normally and I would just stay home and not go anywhere. This year is different, I have decided to do the second of the two options and try and take part as much as possible. I shoot the shit with the guy at the grocery store instead of being grumpy about it, I sit around and talk about the games at the gym and decide that just because I can't eat pizza and wings doesn't mean I can't enjoy life. It’s hard to be part of things but having a great support system of friends around you always makes it easier.

The support system is not important because they're going to sit around and eat fish and broccoli with me but for the fact that they aren't going to bug me about it. They all know my main focus right now is bringing my best to this show and making sure I give it the best I got. People always talk about training partners and how great they are because they show up all the time, but I guess I'm just that much luckier. At four weeks out not only do my partners show up, but they pick me up when I'm slacking. If I think I'm too tired to pose that night after training I might not say anything I might just start heading for the door, my partners will stop me and say, “Hey are we posing tonight or what?” They don't only support me but they make me accountable, almost like they aren't going through all this shit with me just so I can slack and not go the extra mile.

Fouad Abiad 2011 Group-10

So at the end of the day when you see the guys at the top, it’s usually someone or maybe more than one person who keeps them going in one way or another. It’s the girlfriend that listens to your bullshit day in and day out, or she keeps your head up when you’re feeling down. It’s the guy that comes with you to do cardio in the morning even though he's in the middle of the offseason and not only does he show up but even makes sure you do abs and stretch after. It’s the other partner that comes with you to the gym and when you say, “four sets is enough here,” he says, “I don't think five would hurt.” The trainer that calls you every single day, sometimes twice to ask what your weight is and make sure your still on track or the physiotherapist that beats the hell out of you week in and week out just so you can keep training injury free. Last but not ever least are the fans that send me numerous emails, FB messages or PM me on forums about how much they are rooting for me!

All these people are part of the team and all of these people are in this with me. Sure I'm the one that has to miss out on the eating and parties and whatever else but at the end of the day they are all invested somehow in what I am doing. For that reason alone, I will not fail to do the things I am supposed to do that make me the best I can be. I owe it to the people that believe in me to bring the best I can possibly bring to the stage.

Okay, I gotta go, the Steelers are about to shutdown Rex Ryan and the Jets..... (so I think anyway). Oh, if you’re wondering why the one guy in the pic is wearing a pair of coveralls, it’s because he lost a

Sacrifice Without Regret,
Fouad 'Hoss' Abiad

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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyVen 4 Fév - 20:03

Fouad Abiad Trains LEGS:
à 19 jours du Flex Pro...Donc le 1er fevrier
Fouad Abiad 2011 Fouad_2311_lg
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Nombre de messages : 2839
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 4973
Réputation : 36
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : LYon

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyVen 4 Fév - 21:23

super yep
ont diraient que y a quelqu'un qui vomi a la fin Laughing
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyLun 14 Fév - 1:40

February 11, 2011
Well it happened. Last night at about 3:30am I was eating a large fries with ketchup all over them from McDonald's and damn they were delicious. No, Hany didn't tell me to and I know the show is only a week and a half away but I just couldn't resist....then I woke up in a panic!!!!! I thought "OMG I just F**kin ruined my whole prep! What was I thinking!!" That’s right, I said I woke up, I can't believe it, I am dreaming of food to the point that I thought I was cheating and it was all just a dream.

I remember back in 2003 getting ready for my first nationals and having to diet for 22 weeks because I was on the “see-food” diet all year. I lost 80lbs that year and went on stage at 206lbs, luckily I was shredded and qualified for the following year but that 22 weeks really took its toll on me mentally. I remember feeling exactly the way I do now, I was dreaming of food. I'm at the point in this prep where everything taste great just because I'm so hungry, I hate fish but right now I look forward to it just so I can eat!! I have rerouted my trips to the gym to try to avoid as many fast food places as possible, I change the channel or turn my head and do something else when food commercials are on t.v. and today I made a friend of mine change the channel on the cardio theatre because someone left it on the FOOD NETWORK!

Ok, I think you all got the picture, I'm hungry…lol. Anyway, other than that I realize it doesn't matter if I'm hungry or not, there is only one task at hand here and that is showing up at the FLEX at my best ever. Once I have done that I can be satisfied with myself knowing I gave it my all and never wavered from the plan in any way. I have been working with Alvin Brown (look him up on FB) in the physiotherapy area of my prep as well as the mental focus of my prep. See, Alvin has a Psychology Degree as well as being an Osteopath so I can work body and mind. I know you laugh and say oh he's seeing a shrink but sports psychology is no joke, just ask my girlfriend. This prep I have been able to think clearer about the show and not let any other crap enter my mind, not letting myself get stressed out or taken off course.

Fouad Abiad 2011 Group10

The reason I brought Alvin up is we had a good talk the other day about competing and how when things get tough you have to push through to be true to yourself. One thing I didn't realize was this show and this struggle is not just about the FLEX, but it’s about my life in general. We all have struggles in our lives and these are things we need to conquer if we're ever going to be successful in our lifetime. It really hit me as we were talking and I figured out that if I don't come in at my best or at least give it my best, I am not only letting myself down for this show but I am going to take the easy way out from here on in when it comes to anything. People either fight or flight when it comes to struggle, more often than not its flight. That’s why so many of us have meaningless jobs that we just plug away at because somewhere along the line we gave up on something somewhere. Giving up is not an option for m;, cheating, not training my hardest, not doing extras, these are all forms of giving up and I can't do it. I don't want to think the next time in my life something tough comes along that I can just half ass it. I want to know that I can dig deep, take it head on and as Alvin says "Go through the fire!"

It all comes down to this: I am almost a week out from the show. I'm starving, moody, isolated but continue to push through barriers. When my body says "oh just rest you look great your already in shape," my mind says "get off your ass and get in better shape!" See, one of the other things I realized in talking through this was this show isn't just about me. I have a support system that I talked about in a previous blog and they are all counting on me. Even bigger than that are the people I don't know. That’s right, the people I don't know, the people that send me numerous emails in support or the ones that are always on FB giving their time; they are all counting on me to do my best. Being from Canada, I know a lot of bodybuilders feel like it’s impossible to break into the IFBB and do well and I think I have shown a new crop of bodybuilders that it can be done. I hear more and more young guys in the gym talking about being pros one day because they know if I did it they can do it too! This show is not just about me. I need to come in at my best and I owe all the people who are my supporters and young guys looking up to me to bring my best package.

Thank you all for being there for me, without you who read my blogs, watch my videos, send your emails and even post little things on the boards here and there, this wouldn't be as satisfying as it is. I want to bring you all along for the ride and that’s why I write my blogs and that’s why I like to stay in touch. We are all going to the top one step at a time....ABIAD's ARMY is coming!

Sacrifice Without Regret,
Fouad 'Hoss' Abiad

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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyMar 15 Fév - 13:38

From the Vault! Abiad & Centopani Train Shoulders

Fouad Abiad 2011 Evan_f11

From the MD Video Vault!

Last year we had the opportunity to film Evan Centopani and Fouad Abiad train shoulders at the MD Summer Superstar Seminar. Since these two will be strutting the FLEX Pro stage on Saturday we thought it would be cool to post this off-season training vid so we could all see the changes these guys have made in the past 6 months or so. Also of note is that neither of these two competed at all in 2010. Saturday marks the first time Centopani will compete since winning the New York Pro in May of 2009 and the first for Abiad since placing fourth at the 2009 Europa Super Show in August 2009.
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyVen 18 Fév - 13:26

The Journey is the Fun Part!
Its 6:30am and this morning my flight is leaving for LA. Its been a long 16 weeks and Hany and I have worked very hard on this one, I have to give him credit where its due: I have never seen a trainer work as hard as he does. The guy calls me twice, sometimes three times a day to make sure I'm doing everything right and to check on weight, pictures and make changes. I have never sent so many pics in my The journey is the fun part though; a lot of people get caught up in trying to reach the end and just wanting to see the next goal come to fruition without actually stopping to see what they are doing day to day.

I’ve been cooking 3lbs a fish a day, eating up to 9 meals a day some days, and had plenty of the nights like tonight where there is so much excitement and pent up energy (and starvation) I can't sleep. Everyone always asks me, "are you excited about the show?" I think to myself, I'm excited about my next meal, my next training session. I'm excited to pack all my stuff and fly to LA for work....that’s my job! The journey is the satisfying part, getting into the gym every morning at 8-9am and burning through cardio and destroying abs, the feeling isn't comparable to anything else.

At the end of it all comes the bonus; I get to stand proudly with the best in the world and display and compete to show what I’ve done with youry time off, like an artist who just kept painting the same painting over and over again until it was finally perfect. I know many of you know how I feel, but not all of you realize that the journey in painting that masterpiece is the most enjoyable part and the part. You should stop to realize what you are doing while you’re doing it.

You know I spoke to Hany last night and we start carb loading today, so we were going over some of the game plan. The one thing he said to me was we both killed ourselves getting ready for this prep and now it’s time to go out there and have some fun. I am about to prepare my food for the day of travel ahead of me and couldn't agree with him more. Usually there is a sense of stress that has filled my body and mind as I get closer to something like this and I'm not going to sit here and lie; there have been some anxious moments but never like before.

Today and for the next three days I will be calm and cool knowing that I did everything in my power to bring the best package I could to the stage on Feb.19th. I have never worked this hard and I am excited instead of scared to see the finished product. I drove countless hours back and forth to see my therapist Alvin Brown and to see my other therapist Dave Cowie. I have put my girlfriend through hell and my training partners have been there every step of the way to see me through this. I am ready, there is nothing more to do except enjoy life and watch it unfold. The one thing I always tell my girlfriend and this goes with her work usually the same as mine, "there is no way a person can work this hard and the universe can ignore them, at some point in your life the universe will reward you for all the giving you are doing. It’s just a matter of time; do you have the patience to keep pushing until that reward comes?”

Sacrifice Without Regret,
Fouad 'Hoss' Abiad

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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyVen 18 Fév - 22:44

A 2 jours (cliquez sur la 1ère vidéo) :
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptySam 19 Fév - 8:08

La même vidéo :

Fouad Abiad 2011 Sans_t53
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyDim 20 Fév - 13:06

Abiad finit 3ème du Flex Pro et se qualifie pour Olympia .

Fouad Abiad 2011 180884_10150398836315533_605115532_17443310_4616047_n

Fouad Abiad 2011 181968_10150398848085533_605115532_17443431_7252711_n

Fouad Abiad 2011 180669_10150398842470533_605115532_17443374_7855283_n
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Nombre de messages : 47
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 43
Réputation : -20
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2009
Age : 44

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyDim 20 Fév - 13:31

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heracles 13

heracles 13

Nombre de messages : 1960
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 3044
Réputation : 2
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2008
Age : 39

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyDim 20 Fév - 13:57

il es super de face je trouve
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyDim 20 Fév - 20:31

Perso ,je l'aurais mis 2ème au Flex Pro .
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heracles 13

heracles 13

Nombre de messages : 1960
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 3044
Réputation : 2
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2008
Age : 39

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyDim 20 Fév - 20:42

ué chui assez d'accord de plus il a une condition ireprochable
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Nombre de messages : 7363
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 12705
Réputation : 137
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2008
Age : 37
Localisation : in your face

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyDim 20 Fév - 22:03

il semble rattrapper le retard qu'il avait sur les cuisse non?
les mollets et les triceps font un peu mince sinon il etait franchement impressionant
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyMer 23 Fév - 18:48

Le 20 février ,le lendemain du Flex Pro ,pour un photoshoot (1ère vidéo en haut de page) :
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Nombre de messages : 7363
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 12705
Réputation : 137
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2008
Age : 37
Localisation : in your face

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyVen 25 Fév - 4:04

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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptySam 26 Fév - 14:20

sur son posing on voit quand même assez bien la superbe condition et je trouve qu'au vu de cette prestation on ne peut pas dire qu'il ai volé sa place, de plus il pose correctement avec enthusiasme et aisance
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Nombre de messages : 9391
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 18654
Réputation : 215
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2009
Age : 33

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyMer 2 Mar - 13:47

Citation :

Fouad Abiad signs a contract with Weider Publications

March 1, 2011


FLEX is proud to announce that IFBB Pro League athlete Fouad Abiad is offically under contract with Weider/AMI. The relationship began in late 2010 as Abiad began his preparations for the 2011 FLEX Pro. During the months leading up to the contest, Abiad contributed a very popular weekly blog, training videos, and interviews. This all culminated in a spectacular third-place finish at the FLEX Pro.

"Being part of the Weider family is every bodybuilder's dream,” Abiad said. “There is something about being in the pages of FLEX that just make you more proud to be a bodybuilder than any other magazine! FLEX magazine has a mystique and a prestige about it that no other magazine has, to finally be a part of that means everything to me!"

It only made sense for both FLEX and Abiad to continue this close relationship as his career moves forward. Abiad has proven to be dedicated not only to his physique, but more importantly to the bodybuilding community. FLEX editor-in-chief Allan Donnelly had this to say about the signing:

“We are very happy to be able to welcome Fouad to the Weider team. He’s shown a tremendous amount of drive over these past few months and that served him well at the FLEX Pro. We’re confident he will continue to rise up the ranks of the IFBB Professional League in the future and, like the all bodybuilding fans, we look forward to seeing him in the pages of FLEX.”

With the Arnold Classic only days away, Abiad has his sights set on the Top 5. His performance at the FLEX Pro coupled with his new Weider contract has given Abiad a renewed confidence heading into his first Arnold Classic this weekend, where he will stand toe-to-toe with the IFBB Pro League elite.

You will be able to follow him every step of the way in the pages of FLEX and
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyMer 2 Mar - 17:01

Fouad Abiad 2011 Fouadsigns_lg

shuikan a écrit:
Citation :

Fouad Abiad signs a contract with Weider Publications

March 1, 2011


FLEX is proud to announce that IFBB Pro League athlete Fouad Abiad is offically under contract with Weider/AMI. The relationship began in late 2010 as Abiad began his preparations for the 2011 FLEX Pro. During the months leading up to the contest, Abiad contributed a very popular weekly blog, training videos, and interviews. This all culminated in a spectacular third-place finish at the FLEX Pro.

"Being part of the Weider family is every bodybuilder's dream,” Abiad said. “There is something about being in the pages of FLEX that just make you more proud to be a bodybuilder than any other magazine! FLEX magazine has a mystique and a prestige about it that no other magazine has, to finally be a part of that means everything to me!"

It only made sense for both FLEX and Abiad to continue this close relationship as his career moves forward. Abiad has proven to be dedicated not only to his physique, but more importantly to the bodybuilding community. FLEX editor-in-chief Allan Donnelly had this to say about the signing:

“We are very happy to be able to welcome Fouad to the Weider team. He’s shown a tremendous amount of drive over these past few months and that served him well at the FLEX Pro. We’re confident he will continue to rise up the ranks of the IFBB Professional League in the future and, like the all bodybuilding fans, we look forward to seeing him in the pages of FLEX.”

With the Arnold Classic only days away, Abiad has his sights set on the Top 5. His performance at the FLEX Pro coupled with his new Weider contract has given Abiad a renewed confidence heading into his first Arnold Classic this weekend, where he will stand toe-to-toe with the IFBB Pro League elite.

You will be able to follow him every step of the way in the pages of FLEX and

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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Fouad Abiad 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyJeu 3 Mar - 0:39

February 26, 2011
Who Are You at Showtime?
I’m actually on the plane home from LA as I write this and I have this overwhelming feeling of accomplishment. Its not just because I qualified for the O at my first showing this year. Something else happened this time around; I have been doing a lot of mental work and mental preparation for this show and for life in general. I didn’t want to admit this to anyone at the time but a couple weeks out from this show I felt like I didn’t want to do this anymore, I don’t know if it was the starvation talking or if it was really a feeling of fear and nervousness about the outcome.

Regardless, I broke through my roadblock and it only took me a couple days and I was back on top mentally. It was weird, as I got closer to the show instead of becoming more nervous, anxious or stressed out, I actually became more and more calm as the big day approached. My girlfriend, trainer, brothers all noticed this change in me, they all kept saying, “you’re so calm!”

I decided about a week out from the show I would live in the “now.” No thinking ahead and no reliving the past. I decided that I was going to do everything I had to do for the day I was living the best I could and when the time came to get on stage I would be ready since everything leading up to it was 100% focused.

A weird thing happened when the day finally came though….there was still no nervous, anxious feeling. All I could feel was power. I know it sounds strange but its true, I woke up the day of the show calm and had this feeling overcoming my body that just said “you have done everything you have to do and are ready to take the placing you deserve.” As I got backstage it only got stronger, I felt more and more powerful in my body and mind as I started to pump up. Mentally I was on top of the world and nothing could break me.

I walked by guys pumping up and normally I would be the one looking around and feeling anxious but not on this day, I walked tall with authority and felt like I knew my place in the order and was ready to do battle. When they called my number I didn’t get shaky like normal, I popped up from my chair to get oiled and get in line. As I walked to the line I could feel my energy getting stronger and stronger, as I got closer to line up I became more powerful than I’ve ever felt in my life.

They called my name for the 60 second individual and before I walked out I pointed up at my father because I know he’s watching over me and said, “I know you’re with me.” When I walked I didn’t just waddle out like normal in fear, on this day I strutted out to the center of the stage trying to actually put a hole in the ground with each step I walked. When I finally got to center stage I turned to face the judges and the crowd and it was like there was a field of energy emitting from my body and everyone could see it!

You guys know how the rest of the story goes, Evan won, Dex to second and I landed in third. Although the placing wasn’t a win, that feeling of complete control over my mind and how things were going to play out was a victory for me. The mind can be destructive or it can make you more powerful than you could ever imagine.. Which person are you, do you run and hide from your fears or do you look them straight in the face and own them?

Sacrifice Without Regret,
Fouad ‘Hoss’ Abiad

Fouad Abiad 2011 2-26-11-1

March 02, 2011
Reflecting and Getting Re-focused
I’m six days out from the Arnold Classic and I have been trying to put in perspective what just happened at the FLEX Pro, while still focusing on my daily activities to get ready for the biggest show of my life.

My plain landed at 2am on Monday night (or Tuesday morning to be technical) in Detroit. My girlfriend and I hopped in my Jeep and headed home to Windsor, I think that 30min drive is where the past weekends events really set in. I said to myself, “I just beat a top five Olympian,” I was saying it to myself like I wasn’t sure if it was all a dream or not.

Fouad Abiad 2011 3-2-11-collage

I really busted ass this year trying to make adjustments and in that drive home I was able to replay all the gut wrenching leg workouts and the back workouts that left me crippled. I remembered days doing back and hamstrings together and thinking I am absolutely nuts this has to be overtraining but I kept going anyway. I would be in the gym for and hour and half and I hate to admit it sometimes two hours! I know that’s a big no-no, but I have two training partners and sometimes I don’t know when to stop, so time just passes. I remembered times when I didn’t feel like eating, but found a way to make the food taste good enough to get it down. I remembered all the money and five hour drives I made going to see my physiotherapist. Don’t get me wrong, there was good memories like sushi buffets that lasted two hours and made me sick…I don’t know is that a good memory?

The point is, all of these things came rushing back to me in just that half an hour drive from the airport to home. I couldn’t help but feel an overall sense of accomplishment and feeling like I could do more.

My mind is focused on the Arnold now; I am focused on bringing in a little tighter package and maybe a little more full than at the FLEX. I started training right away on Tuesday this past week: Cardio and everything as if I never even stopped. Doing two shows in a row isn’t easy, but I’ve become used to it so I know how to get myself back in the zone and ready to go again.

As I type this, my rebound from the FLEX is gone and I am sitting at 248lbs which is exactly where I need to be before carb loading, so I am a little early which is good. I have Sunday, Monday and Tuesday to sharpen it up a little more. Then its time to pack up the Jeep and head to Columbus, its about a three and a half hour drive and I’d rather go road trip than plane any day!

I am getting really excited about the show, but I’m trying to keep myself calm. I have been going to this show since I started bodybuilding ten years ago and to finally step on that stage is going to be surreal. Who knew a little 190lb beach body kid from Windsor, Ontario would eventually go on to turn pro and step on the Arnold Classic stage? I remember saying to a friend of mine one year at the show, “One day I’m going to compete on that stage.” He looked at me like I was crazy, but sometimes it takes a little crazy to achieve a dream.

Sacrifice Without Regret,

Fouad ‘Hoss’ Abiad

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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

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MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyMer 9 Mar - 16:20

12ème place seulement pour Abiad à l'Arnold Classic

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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

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MessageSujet: Re: Fouad Abiad 2011   Fouad Abiad 2011 EmptyMer 9 Mar - 20:18

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