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 WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede

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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  Empty
MessageSujet: WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede    WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  EmptyMar 7 Juin - 0:16

Being a guy is a wonderful thing. When you get the opportunity to have a conversation with someone as beautiful and talented as WWE Diva Star Jamie Keyes or Brittany Beede as she in the real world, it is clearly exemplified. This stunning woman from Sarasota, Florida has pursued a lifetime of fitness and athletic endeavors that only a few can call theirs. Whether she is teaching clients proper technique, leading a Booty camp session, working to improve her 3 lift totals in powerlifting or simply slamming her way across the USA with the WWE, Brittany Beede (A.K.A. Former WWE Diva, Jamie Keyes) leads solely by example.

WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  Jamie%20keyes%203

Brittany, thanks for taking some time out to talk. First, where are you from and where are you living now?

-I was born and raised in Sarasota, Florida, a beautiful city with amazing weather and beaches. I still reside there.

Were you always a wrestling fan?

-I have always been a fan of wrestling. My Dad was a massive wrestling fan and throughout my childhood he would take me to local shows. He still watches it religiously. However, his favorite wrestler is now Jamie Keyes, not Hulk Hogan!

How were you able to travel as much as the WWE had you traveling and find time to train to keep in shape and your strength up? Give us an idea of what life was like with your time in the WWE?

-It was an opportunity of a lifetime. I was given an amazing experience, traveling around the country and preforming in front of hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world. I started as a ring announcer and host, and was able to venture out into wrestling on WWE’s NXT brand.

Training wasn't easy! I always packed my meals and traveled with them! There was very little time to sleep, yet I always chose to get up and workout over rest!:). Most hotels had a decent gym or I would find the closest facility in the area, and I was fortunate to have WWE's strength coach, Rob MacIntyre, send me my workouts and help motivate me! Of course, as soon as I would land back home, workouts were a top priority.

What was your favorite aspect about being a WWE diva?

-The fans! Wrestling fans are so supportive and loyal. Their encouragement really made my time with the company an experience that I will never forget. It's also an amazing feeling to know how much of an impact you can have in the children who are in attendance.

WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  Jamie%20keyes1

Who is your favorite wrestler and why?

-Beth Phoenix! She is so genuine and passionate about what she does and who she is. She shares my love for weightlifting, as well. I was able to work out with her a few times and really admire her intensity in the gym.

Speaking of weightlifting, give us an idea of what it takes to develop a physique like yours?

-I love the gym…EVERY part of it! Lifting weights, running, yoga, boxing, jumping rope; it all keeps me Sexy, Strong, and Unstoppable! My training is just a percentage of it though. It's a lifestyle and a mindset! You have to commit yourself 100% in AND out of the gym to accomplish your goals. I eat super clean and push myself even on days when motivativation is not up to par. I think that's the difference between someone who gets results and the average person. I know what I'm capable of, because I consistently trespass on my "limitations"... I want it all...I want to run 50 miles on the weekend and be the strongest girl in the gym, powerlifting with the cutest workout clothes on!:)

Powerlifting? Wow. How did you get started powerlifting? Is it something you have done from early on or something new added to your repertoire?

Rob Macintyre taught the divas early on about the benefit of the powerlifts and Olympic lifts. I really noticed a change in my physique once I got strong in the main lifts. I never concentrated on them until I got to the WWE and was able to participate in the strength program there.

How many days do you train?

-Lately, 4 days of weightlifting/powerlifting and 5-6 days of cardio. However, my workouts are constantly changing. I also teach a "Brittanified" booty camp twice a week. I have to be very conscious to schedule breaks in my schedule though. I will admit that I have been known to over-train myself in the past, but I’ve realized that rest days are just as important.

WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  Jamie-Keyes-WWE-NXT-Season-3

Name someone that has influenced you to become a better, well rounded athlete?

-Jillian Michaels! She is able to inspire and motivate such a large amount of people and has accomplished so much in the fitness industry. I hope that I am able to reach out and impel just as many people to change their lives and live a healthy, active, positive lifestyle. I've also taken a strong interest in olympic skier, Lindsey Vonn, as of late. She has such an incredible amount of passion and dedication. I'm intrigued about her accomplishments, training intensity and nutrition.

What keeps you motivated?

-Other than the feeling after a really good workout, I am motivated by the positive changes that exercise has given me. I have experienced not only aesthetic changes, but an overall positive outlook on life! I am driven by the desire to always improve myself both spiritually and physically. I know that nothing worth it ever comes easy, and I am constantly pushing my limits to make myself better.

Now that you aren’t with the WWE any longer, what can we expect from Brittany Beede?

-I have launched an online, personal training website, I am extremely excited about it! All of the members have access to my personal workouts, which I add to weekly and are able to be done at home or at the gym. They also get weekly cardio written workouts, Q&A videos and exclusive blogs. There is something for everyone, whether you are grabbing a dumbbell for the very first time, or you are an avid fitness competitor. I have videos about nutrition and even walk you through preparing and cooking some healthy meals and snacks. I also have hundreds of videos describing and demonstrating proper form and technique during exercises. Additionally, there is a blog, where members can ask me and each other questions, share thoughts, and motivate one another.

Recently, I've been working for my favorite website, and am addicted to their clothes, both in the gym and out. I am also a Redline Extreme Race girl for VPX sports, promoting their

Indy 500 car.

Like I said I teach a booty camp twice a week. Each week it's expanding in size and it's so motivating to be in a group setting pushing each other!

Where do you see yourself in 2012?

-My goal is to continue to be a personal trainer, life coach, and source of inspiration to each and every person that I am able. I want everyone to share my love of life and to live positive, healthy, happy lifestyles, through proper diet and exercise. I love fitness modeling and acting, and would like to continue to do as much of that as possible as well. It has always been a passion of mine to design workout clothing and I plan to launch a BrittanyBFit line in the near future as well! Of course I will always continue the challenge of refining my own physique and lifestyle to be the best I can be!

I can’t thank you enough for taking some time out of your hectic schedule for a quick sitdown. Undoubtedly you were wildly popular in the WWE, now we need to see about getting you into a powerlifting meet and watch you do some real damage!

I am always up for challenges....BRING IT ON!! :)

WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  Brittany-b-redline
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede    WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  EmptyMar 7 Juin - 0:20

WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  Brittany+Beede+2

WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  Brittany+Beede+1

WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  Jamie+Keyes

WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  Brittany-Beede13

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Nombre de messages : 175
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 57
Réputation : -1
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2008

WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede    WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  EmptyDim 3 Juil - 0:13

Et ben ! Elle est incroyable cette diva !!!!
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WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede    WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede  Empty

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WWE Diva Star Brittany Beede

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