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 Justine Moore

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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyJeu 17 Jan - 5:17

Digital Diva #41 Justine Moore

Justine Moore  Diva_j10

Our second Digital Diva of 2013 is NPC bikini competitor Justine Moore. Despite hailing from New Jersey, Moore appears to be fan of the Green Bay Packers. No doubt she needs some consoling after last weekend's loss to San Francisco that put a halt on their quest for Superbowl 2013. Here she is, Packer Backer and the 2012 NPC Eastern USA bikini champ Justine Moore
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyJeu 17 Jan - 5:29

Justine Moore  Justine-Moore-11

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Justine Moore  Justine_Moore-5

Justine Moore  Justine_Moore-6

Justine Moore  Justine_Moore-7

Q. Lets start here, what is your name?
A. Justine Kelly Moore.

Q. How do you start your day? Do you have a morning routine?
A. I love mornings! Its the time of day when I am the most energetic and clear-headed. I love to start my morning with some intense, fat-blasting cardio on an empty stomach. Then I eat my breakfast (egg whites and oats) while I check my emails, Facebook, and Twitter. Then I quickly get ready, pack my gym bag and my cooler of meals for the day and I’m out the door!

Q. How long have you been training?
A. I’ve been training and dieting seriously for about 2 and half years now.

Q. What made you get into Fitness and Competition?
A. I wanted a tight, sculpted, lean feminine physique like I saw on the covers of fitness magazines, so I decided to set a goal to compete to get myself into amazing shape! Once I did my first competition, I was hooked… and everything just sort of took off from there!

Q. How many people have you encouraged into the sport since you started?
A. I’ve encouraged many friends, coworkers and clients to compete. It’s always exciting to watch someone transform inside and out as they prepare for a competition.

Q. What was your body like before you started training?
A. I wasn’t really overweight, but I had no muscle tone and too much body fat for my age. I was also very pear shaped until I started to train my upper body to add muscle, and sculpt a shapely, lean lower body with a combination of weight training, cardio and a clean diet.

Q. How do you keep yourself motivated and on-track through the grueling dieting in the last few weeks?
A. Its funny, but the closer I get to a competition and the more I see results, that in itself motivates me. A few weeks out from a competition I don’t care WHAT my food tastes like, or what I can’t eat… I’ll eat anything as long as it serves its purpose and fuels my body properly! I get this tunnel-vision leading up to a competition where I block out all distractions and just focus on being the best I can be that day.

That being said, since I started working with my coaches Shannon Dey and Rob Rosetti of Team Bombshell, my last few weeks of competition prep are not as “grueling” as they used to be. I don’t carb deplete at all… I have a balanced diet and eat starches right up until the day of the competition, and even have a cheat meal up to 1-2 weeks out. When you make fitness your lifestyle and put the right intensity into your workouts there is no NEED for crash dieting, hours of daily cardio, carb depletion, harsh water pills or any of that!

Q. How do you handle the stress of it all?
A. It does get very stressful at times so I try to just focus on one day at a time. If you focus on one step at a time, the bigger picture kind of just falls into place and takes care of itself.

I also rely on my family, friends and teammates to keep me grounded and sane through it all. I’m blessed to have many supportive people in my life who I can reach out to.

Q. Do you get more attention from the people now that you are in such good shape?
A. Absolutely! I’m not going to lie, it is very flattering. I work very hard to maintain my shape, so it feels great when people notice.

Q. What do you feel is the most important thing athlete can have in order to be successful in this sport?
A. A positive attitude!

Q. What is your favorite energy/pre-workout supplement? Protein supplement?
A. Worldwide Xtreme Thermo Rush is my favorite pre-workout drink. My favorite protein powder is MET-Rx Ultramyosyn Whey Isolate.

Q. How many days a week do you work out?
A. 5-6 days, depending on how close I am to a competition.

Q. How many exercises per body part do you typically do in a workout?
A. It really depends… my coaches change up my workouts so I have a different workout every day of the month. The amount of sets and reps always varies, as well as the amount of rest between sets. We change it up constantly to keep my body guessing so I continue to get results.

Q. How much weight will you normally gain during the off-season?
A. My coaches at Team Bombshell have me stay 5-7 pounds of my contest weight. This way my prep for a competition is less grueling, and I can keep improving with each show instead of starting from scratch and having to lose a bunch of weight every time. This also allows me to be ready for a photo shoot or other fitness modeling opportunities with very little notice.

Q. How about tanning/makeup/hair preparation for a contest. Can you tell that I’m still overwhelmed?
A. It IS a bit overwhelming! A LOT goes in to looking your best on stage. What looks good in real life does not always look nice on stage. But I love all that stuff… I am such a girly-girl at heart, so I LOVE the primping and prepping for a competition!

I’m of mostly Celtic heritage, so I’m naturally very fair skinned… when you see me with a tan it’s all spray-on tanner or bronzer! I love having that deep, dark tan for the stage- its so much fun! I prefer to have my hair and tan professionally done, but I’ve actually learned how to do my own make up for competitions.

Q. What is your philosophy on diet?
A. Treat your body right and it will show! Eat a clean diet filled with nutritious, whole food sources. Get a proper balance of all the food groups- proteins, carbs and fats. Our body has a specific purpose for each of these groups and eliminating any of them might produce short term results, but will ultimately keep your body from functioning at optimal levels in the long run.

Q. Any holiday eating tips?
A. Everything in moderation! I used to binge on holidays thinking, “its a special day so I can ONLY eat this stuff today and then I will go on a strict diet.” Now I’ve learned I can eat that yummy stuff year round if I just keep it in moderation!

Sharing delicious food with family and friends is a joy in life, so enjoy all your favorites but just limit the portion size. On holidays I will do my workout early in the morning and eat my normal clean meals for breakfast and lunch, and then enjoy a holiday dinner. It’s important not to starve yourself before having a “cheat meal” or a holiday dinner… this will only backfire and make your body store more fat. Stick with your healthy habits day in and day out, and you will actually be pleased to find you can get away with indulging here and there!

Q. What kind of workout program do you follow?
A. I lift weights 5 days a week and do cardio 4-6 days a week. I try to split up my cardio and weight lifting sessions as much as possible. I keep my weight lifting workouts very fast-moving and intense to give my body a very conditioned look… Lots of supersets and trisets and mini circuits.

Q. What about working out while you are on the road?
A. No matter where I am, I’ll get my workout done. Sometimes I can’t follow my program exactly due to lack of equipment when I’m traveling, but then I get creative and incorporate body weight squats, lunges, push ups and plyometrics. There’s never an excuse to skip a workout!

Q. Do you believe in workout programs like Insanity or P90X?
A. I haven’t tried them personally. But I feel like whatever works for someone… keep it up!

Q. What competitions have you participated in and what were the results (bikini/fitness/figure)?
A. I started competing in the Figure Division of the INBF before switching to the Bikini Division of the NPC. Once I switched to the NPC, I knew I would never go back to any other organization.

The first 3 shows I competed in I walked away very disappointed with the results. But I didn’t give up, instead I just pushed myself harder and finally this past November I placed 2nd and 3rd at back-to-back shows, which qualified me to compete at NPC Nationals this year.

Competition History:
2010 INBF Wisconsin- 8th Place Figure Short Class
2010 INBF Central- 6th Place Figure Short Class

2011 NPC Metropolitan- 10th Place Bikini B Class
2011 NPC East Coast- 2nd Place Bikini B Class
2011 NPC Eastern USA’s- 3rd Place Bikini B Class

Q. What do you wish you had known before you started doing shows?
A. To be patient! The incredible physiques of the professional athletes you see on stage or in magazines take years and years of hard work! I see my body improve and change with every competition I do. It’s exciting to know the best is yet to come.

Q. Looking back on what you have accomplished so far, what is one thing you would change if you could, knowing what you do now?
A. The biggest thing I would do differently would be not to let myself gain a lot of weight post competition. After my first shows I used to go crazy eating sugar and junk for weeks and barely working out. I would see my abs and definition slip away within days and gain 20-25 pounds within a month of the shows. All that hard work destroyed! Then when I wanted to compete again it was a long, difficult process again to lose the weight.

Finally, with the help of my incredible coaches Shannon Dey and Rob Rosetti, I’ve learned to live a life of balance and moderation. I now understand the saying: “It’s not a diet- it’s a lifestyle.” After my most recent shows I enjoyed a few delicious meals with family and friends, but then got right back on track eating right and working out. We Team Bombshell athletes don’t believe in an off season, but instead call it “Improvement Season.” I am very proud of how far I’ve come with this.

Q. What is one of the biggest sacrifices you’ve made, and was it worth it?
A. I don’t like to think of what I do as a sacrifice. When I think of all the incredible experiences I’ve had and how far I’ve come as a person because of this industry, I feel that I am very blessed. I also get to experience the satisfaction of truly loving and appreciating my body, and being proud of my accomplishments when I get on that stage. So yes, anything I’ve said “no” to, given up, or sacrificed in the past was well worth it!

Q. Is it not very hard to exercise and lift on such a low calorie diet? I am talking about the pre-contest diet. I know you follow a very low calorie pre-contest diet. Don’t you get hungry?
A. For me the closer I get to a competition, the more food I need. Last season before my competitions my coaches had me eating 9 times a day the final weeks! My metabolism gets insanely fast before a show, and I have a tendency to get too skinny if I’m not eating enough. I feel I’m lucky in that sense, because I get to eat a lot of carbs and healthy fats right up until the competition, which keeps my energy levels up so I can still work out at a high intensity.

Q. Does your social life include others that are not into fitness or competition?
A. Absolutely! Since I began competing I’ve made a lot of friends who are into fitness, but the majority of my family and friends are not into it. I don’t isolate myself just because I have a competition coming up. I’ve learned to incorporate my fit lifestyle into social events by bringing my meals along with me, or planning ahead to make a special occasion one of my allotted “cheat meals.”

Q. How much has this kind of active life style, being (bikini/fitness/figure) athlete changed your life?
A. In every way possible! Competing has made me a better person. When you learn to love and accept yourself for all your strengths and imperfections, you attract positive experiences and positive people throughout your life.

Q. Who is your favorite bodybuilder, fitness model, and/or athlete?
A. IFBB Pro Yeshaira Robles and IFBB Pro Jaime Baird are my favorite Bikini Pros. IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Marcus Haley and WNBF Pro Bodybuilder Brenda Rahe are my favorite bodybuilders. They are all not only amazing athletes, but also incredible people who have motivated me and really made a positive impact on me.

Q. What is your favorite healthy meal?
A. Oatmeal with 1/2 of a very ripe banana, cinnamon, stevia, flax seed oil, and vanilla protein powder all mixed in… Tastes like banana bread! I love having this with an egg white veggie omelette and coffee for my first meal during the improvement season. Yum!

Q. Favorite guilty indulgence?
A. Just ONE?? Lol. Pizza, Mexican food, sushi, wine, cheesecake, chocolate, ice cream… I love to eat! But I keep it all in moderation.

Q. What is your favorite exercise?
A. Deadlifts and Good Mornings.

Q. What is that one body part that you just can’t seem to bring up or make it look like you want?
A. My glutes have come a long way… but they’re always a work in progress to me. Also my delts… I still want to bring them up a bit more, get that shoulder cap to pop.

Q. What is the best asset of your physique/body?
A. My waist.

Q. What are your methods for breaking through a plateau?
A. I never really allow myself to reach a plateau. My coaches change up my diet and workouts so often that my body does not adapt to programs.

Q. What are your future plans?
A. I am currently launching my own small business of Personal Training and Nutritional Coaching. I work with clients both in-person and online through customized fitness programs that teach clients how to get and maintain results and live a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Helping people change their lives through fitness is my passion, and I want to work in this industry for the rest of my life.

I will be making my stage debut at NPC Nationals this summer, where I hope to earn my IFBB Pro Card in the Bikini Division. I dream of someday gracing the pages of my favorite fitness magazines including Muscle and Fitness HERS, FitnessRX for Women and Oxygen Magazine. I also hope to attain sponsorship as an athlete and become a signed spokesmodel for supplement, clothing and tanning companies.

Q. What do you want our readers to know about you that they couldn’t find out from seeing you on stage or in print?
A. What my body looks like in photos or on stage does not
just come naturally to me! Some people assume I’m “naturally thin,” or that I’m in shape just because I’m young, but this is not the case. A few years back my body fat percentage was almost twice as much as it is today! I’ve worked to maintain my weight since I was 13 years old and it does not come easily. But if you want something bad enough you will do whatever it takes to get it… and that’s how I live my life every day.

Justine can be contacted for Personal Training, Nutritional Coaching and Competition Prep by email at:
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyJeu 30 Mai - 22:51

Justine Moore  57913210
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyMar 4 Juin - 13:24

Justine Moore  457_4610
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyLun 1 Juil - 9:23

Justine Moore  90ca5410
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyVen 1 Nov - 20:35

Justine Moore  64233_10
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyMar 5 Nov - 10:55

Justine Moore  10056110
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyMer 13 Nov - 18:19

Justine Moore  58144810
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyMer 13 Nov - 23:48

Justine Moore  60293110
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyJeu 14 Nov - 4:14

Justine Moore  13794510
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyJeu 14 Nov - 15:38

Justine Moore  9961_110
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyJeu 14 Nov - 20:28

Justine Moore  30207710
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyVen 15 Nov - 16:47

Justine Moore  10030410
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptySam 16 Nov - 12:22

Justine Moore  13770910
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyDim 17 Nov - 14:05

Justine Moore  22943710
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyMar 19 Nov - 1:22

Justine Moore  10005810
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyMar 19 Nov - 21:09

Justine Moore  53729310
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyMer 20 Nov - 19:55

Justine Moore  13781210
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyJeu 21 Nov - 14:51

Justine Moore  13779910
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Justine Moore  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Justine Moore    Justine Moore  EmptyVen 22 Nov - 11:01

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