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 Jacksonville Pro 2011

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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptyMar 19 Juil - 0:49

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Nombre de messages : 23
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 37
Réputation : 1
Date d'inscription : 02/07/2011

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptyMar 19 Juil - 17:39

pas terrible le niveau pour l'instant.
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptyVen 5 Aoû - 1:51

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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptyVen 5 Aoû - 12:09

Jacksonville Pro 2011 10_djc10

2011 IFBB Jacksonville Pro Championships Preview

Larry Brown runs down his pick for the top 4 out of this 202 competition highlighting Ahmad Ahmad, Devers, De Vis, Jackson, and Branden Ray. Who are your pics for the win?. Larry seems to think it will be a three-way between De Vis, Ray and Jackson.
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptySam 6 Aoû - 3:39

Clarence est out pour le dexter classic pas au poid (225lbs)

Ahmad Ahmad, Sweden

FM: He looks OK. Small waist. Needs to be harder in his glutes, a little tighter in lower back, Good abdominal pose.

John Arendsz, Aruba

FM: Wow, this guy's hard. Big calves.
DL: Very thick, hard muscle. Christmas tree. Glutes are tight.
FM: Needs to stay flexed though. Good condition.

Omar Borrelli, Argentina

DL:Good structure.
FM: Lot of muscle. He's like 5'2"
DL: Needs to be tighter. Holding a little water.
FM: Needs to pose a little better.

Gaetano Cisternin, USA

DL: Legs are hard. Looks good with the extra weight.
FM: Very dry.
DL: Nice glutes. Hams are split. Good back double bi.
FM: Very grainy looking. Confident poser. Good most muscular.

James Darling, Bahamas

DL:Little film of water. Structures good, but holding water.
FM: Needs to tighten up glutes. Makes himself look small when he poses.

PD Devers, USA

DL: Looks good already.
FM: Best PD I've ever seen. Needs to keep those glutes flexed, though.
DL: Wide back.
FM: He's a veteran. Very goo showing.

Vaughan Ettienne, USA

DL: Good color. Glutes are tight.
FM: 2010 Universe winner.Ten pounds heavier.
DL: Glutes are nice.
FM: NY Cop.
DL: May be a little too much oil.

Abiu Feliz, USA

FM: Needs to be tighter and needs more leg seperation.
DL: I've seen him better. Good structure, but a little off. Good back, though

Tricky Jackson, USA

America's Got Talent!

DL: Looks thick. Quads could be a little more seperated.
FM: Good side pose. Little bit drier, and he would do good.
DL: Looks better when posing.

Allessandro Komadina, Italy

FM: Too tall. Not enough muscle.
DL: Wrong show. Looks older.

Erwin Marquez, Venezuela

FM: Very thick. Needs to get a lote harder tough. Wide waist.
DL: Mixed the mark on his condition. Big arms, though.
FM: Yeah. Big arms.
DL: Nice triceps.
FM: He's just not anywhere near where he needs to be.

Bola Ojex, Nigeria:

DL: Crazy sweeps. Color good.
FM: Good condition. Needs to open up when he poses. He's making himself look to small.
DL: Nice back double bi.
FM: Good calves.

Benjamin Parra, Mexico

DL: Looks big, but condition isn't there.
AZ: Smooth.
FM: Yeah, he's smooth.
DL: Nice split in the hastrings.
FM: His back is harder than his front. Needs to be drier.

Angel Rangel Vargas, Mexico

DL: He's a tank!
FM: Short power house. Nice side pose. Thick check.
DL: Hams and glutes could be tighter. Thick back.
FM: Lower body needs to be tighter. Thick arms. Lot of muscle in that body, just needs to be harder overall.

Branden Ray, USA

FM: Great structure. Very thick. Looks good. Very good.
AZ: Don is skipping, since this is one of his guys.
FM: Very good showing. Could be one of the best in the world in 202.

Patrick Richardson, USA

DL: Nice and thick.
FM: Needs to hold his stomach in.
DL: If he was tighther, I think he would do a lot better. He's got a lot of muscle.
FM: Needs more glute development. Needs a lot tighter lower back and bigger calves

Michael Valentino, USA

FM: Mike's been around a long time.
DL: I've seen him in better condition.
FM: Yeah, me too. Good poser.
DL: Holding too much water.

Willie Vegas, USA

DL: This year's middle weightTeam Universe winner.
FM: Small waist. Needs to put on a few more pounds.
DL: Nice physique, but I thin he was harder at the Team Universe.
FM: I agree.
DL: If he gets bigger, he'll be dangerous

Nathan Wonsley, USA

FM: Great showing.
DL: Can'g believe he's as old as he is.
FM: Needs more glute and hamstring development. Good condition. Would have more of a 3-D look if he was fuller. Intense.

First Callout:

Guy, Vaughan, Branden, Mike, Nate

Second Callout:

Bola, PD, Willie, Tricky, Ahmad, John

Third Callout:

Everybody else.

Final Callout:

Guy, Branden, Vaughan, Mike

The way they are arranged, Mike is in fourth.

They have moved the other guys around, but left Mike on the far right the whole time.

You can tell Branden, Vaughn, and Guy are being compared.

Right now, Vaughan is in the middle of the three. BRay started out there.

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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptySam 6 Aoû - 3:42


Tiffany Archer:

SL: Could be a little tigther. Beautiful coler, skin tone and suit.

Stefanie Bambrough, USA

SL: Could be tighter in the lower half. Nice presentation.

Michelle Bates, USA

SL: Graet suit. Condtioning is on. Posing a little stiff.

Holly Beck, USA

SL: I competed with her back in the day.
AZ: She qualified last week in Conn.
SL: Conditing spot on. Great back

Sherma Dillard-Del Tengo, USA 27

Catherine Holland, USA 28
SL: Conditioning spot on.

Tara Hollingsworth, USA 29

Candice Keene, USA
SL: Perfect shape. A little softer than usual, but I like it.

Petra Metrl, Czech Republic
SL: Interesting suit. I like it. Best I've seen her.

Kristen Nagrani, USA
SL: Tiny waist. Very polished. Maybe a little too much muscle in upper body.

Marie Ann Newan, USA
SL: Conditioning is on. Great back!

Vicki Nixon, USA
SL: Abs too soft. Posing a little stiff. Nice suit color.

Marie Pierre Ripert, France
SL : Lower half too soft.

Erin Stern, USA
SL: Very polished. Overall look is great. Great presentation. Conditioning spot on.

Gina Trochiano, USA
SL: A little stiff with the posing.

Patrice Vignola, USA
SL: Needs a wider back.

First Callout:

Kriste, Holly, Petra, Candice, Erin

Erin is in the middle.

Second Callout:

Tiffany, Catherine, Marie Ann, Gina, Michelle

Third Callout:

Everybody else.

Final callout - same as first with Erin in the middle.

We could see Petra pull a qualification here. She looks to be fourth, but the top three are already qualified.
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptySam 6 Aoû - 3:47


Jaime Baird
SL: She looks great. Nice presentation. Perfect package.

Deborah Denio,
SL: Posing's a little stiff. Lower half is tight.

Kristen Gomes
SL: Needs more color, more tan, rouder glutes. Pretty girl, though.

Marisa Renee Lee
SL: Nice color. May be a little soft in the lower abs...just a little.

Lisa Lutz
SL: Beautiful suit. Needs a bigger booty!

Nicole Moneer-Guerro
SL: She could be a little tighter and darker, but presentation was perfect!

Samantha Morris
SL: Pretty girl.Just needs to be tighter.

India Paulino
SL: Should definitely be in the top. Nice preseation. Body is tight. Overall look is great.
AZ: She's a cop!!!

Tianna Ta:
Great abs, hair, and sut,. Needs to be a little tighter in the lower half.

Dayna Maleton
SL: Looks like a figure girl.

First Callout:
Jaime, Marisa, Lisa, India, Tiana

Second Callout:

Everybody else.

Final Callout:

Jaime, India, Marisa

Marisa is in the middle.

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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptySam 6 Aoû - 3:49

Dernière édition par thejpman le Dim 7 Aoû - 0:25, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptySam 6 Aoû - 9:35

Bien parti pour Branden Ray donc .
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptySam 6 Aoû - 10:04

thejpman a écrit:
Clarence est out pour le dexter classic pas au poid (225lbs)

Ca veut dire qu'il a quand meme perdu 50lbs en 1 mois . Shocked roule
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptySam 6 Aoû - 13:01

Jacksonville Pro 2011 11djcs10


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Nombre de messages : 233
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 422
Réputation : -5
Date d'inscription : 02/10/2010

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptySam 6 Aoû - 23:52

Pas de grosse pointure dans cette compète mais de jolie physique
notamment etienne , le mec est ecorché , très beau à voir
Branden Ray est plein jolie ligne
Fansworth ( pas sur de l'orthographe) est super perso je le met premier , les quad ca deborde !
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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptyDim 7 Aoû - 0:06

Pphil a écrit:
Pas de grosse pointure dans cette compète mais de jolie physique
notamment etienne , le mec est ecorché , très beau à voir
Branden Ray est plein jolie ligne
Fansworth ( pas sur de l'orthographe) est super perso je le met premier , les quad ca deborde !

Ton prochain post sera dans la rubrique "autres membres" sinon ce sera le dernier .
J'aime pas me répéter ,va te présenter (avec photos !) .
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptyDim 7 Aoû - 2:30

Clarence just rocked the house

Ahmad Ahmad, Sweden

AZ: Lyriacal music.
FM: Pleasant looking physique. Needs to be harder and bigger.
DL: Beautiful music. Legs need to be bigger and harder to match upper body.
FM: Good shoulders.

John Arendsz, Aruba

AZ: Looks greasy.
FM: Too much oil.
DL: Too much oil. Looks hard though.
FM: Hard.
AZ: Posing to Sweet Child of Mine.
FM: Looks like he over dieted. Took depleted. He's hard. Just too depleted.

Omar Borrelli, Argentina

FM: Softened up from yesterday.
AZ: Does not look good from the back tonights.
DL: Powerful music.Needs more quad sepeartion and bigger hamstrings

Gaetano Cisternino, USA

DL: Color looks good.
AZ: Phil Collins song...I can feel it coming.
DL: I like his mid section control.
FM: Coming alive in his posing. He ate 800 gram of carbs today!
DL: Hamstrings are ripped!

James Darling, Bahamas

DL: Looks harder. Glutes are still soft though.
AZ: I'm not liking his color.
DL: He's just kind of pail.
FM: Could be harder.Coudln't get rid of the film of water.

PD Devers, USA

FM: Great poser!
DL: Lip singing. Posing kind of like I did.
FM: Was harder yesterday.
DL: I agree.
FM: Didn't come out with much color either.
AZ: Definitely has style! Crowd loves him!
DL: The crowd is going crazy!

Vaughan Ettienne, USA

FM: He's bigger than yeseterday.
DL: Full.
AZ: Oh yeah, much bigger. Posing to Don't Want to Close My Eyes.
DL: Glutes are striated. Great glutes. Light.
AZ: Yeah, he is light....crazy condidtion!
DL: Freaky muslces!

Abiu Feliz, USA

FM: Softened up from yesterday. These guys have to remember it's a two day show. Not just one day.
AZ: I hate white trunks.
DL: Nice physique, but just needs to be harder. Good posing though.
FM: I agree. Good poser.
AZ: Posing to the same song Guy did...different artist though.

Tricky Jackson, USA

AZ: Announcer mentioned America's Got Talent apperance.
FM: One of the IFBB's best poser.
DL: Looks harder tonight.
FM: I agree.
DL: I thought he should have had a chance for first callout.

Allessandro Komadina, Italy

AZ: He has my name in his. I wanted him to be good, but......
FM: No comment.
DL: Seems like a nice guy. Just not ready for this show.

Erwin Marquez, Venezuela

AZ: Long braid but bald on top.
FM: Doesn't have bad size. Just needs to develop more muscle.
DL: Nice tattoo on his back.
FM: Big Arms.
AZ: Music from Fast Five.

Bola Ojex, Nigeria

FM: Very nice guy.
DL: Color is great. I think he has lots of potential.
AZ: I think he needs you for prep, Don. He's working on his own.
DL: Nice guy.
FM: Good structure.
DL: I like the music...Mariah.
AZ: Because Shawn helped him some with the posing!

Benjamin Parra, Mexico

AZ: Spanish words....
FM: He's thanking his team in Spanish.
DL: This is another guy with a lot of potential.
FM: Very complete, muscl structure wise, but again, it's the IFBB, he better come in in condition. Seems very young too.

Angel Rangel Vargas, Mexico

FM: A lot of muscle on a very short frame.
DL: Looks like Benny Comiford.
GF: Yeah, he looks like him.

Branden Ray, USA

FM: Held his condition. He's actually grainer than yesterday.
GF: I would like to see him a touch harder, but he's still pretty to look at.
AZ: Georger Farah in the house!

Patrick Richardson, USA

FM: Needs more lower body development.
GF: Needs to lose 10-12 pounds.
FM: Needs more glute and hamstrings.
DL: Needs to be drier, harder.
AZ: Fak is laughing at George's comments!

Michael Valentino, USA

DL: He looks harder tonight.
FM: Better than yesterday.
GF: This is the best I've seen Mike.
AZ: Good color.
FM: Good color. Agree. Very porfessional.
AZ: He reminds me of the Randy Courture of bodybuidling.
DL: He's much better tonight.

Willie Vegas, USA

FM: Did his homework today from last night.
DL: He's much better than yesterday. Dropped some water.
GF: I'd like to see him harder.
DL: Yeah.
GF: He just looks soft.
FM: Mid section needs to be a little drier.

Nathan Wonsley, USA

DL: Beautiful color.
AZ: Always reminds me a little of Shawn. Maybe it's the earrings.
FM: Looks good from the front. Back could be tighter.
GF: The best I've seen him this season. Great arms and great symmentry.
FM: Good stage presntation.]
DL: Beautiful genetics.





**** TRICKY is not happy.....

Third Callout:

Everybody eles.

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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

Jacksonville Pro 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jacksonville Pro 2011   Jacksonville Pro 2011 EmptyDim 7 Aoû - 2:31