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 The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011

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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
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Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011   The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011 EmptyMar 22 Fév - 17:56

The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011 Wwerev10

This is the first installment of what will become a weekly World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) update and review. Stay tuned for the latest drama, matches, gossip, and insider info from the world of the WWE. WrestleMania season is just around the corner and tonight on Monday Night Raw there was a lot of drama and plot thickening; setting up matches that'll take place at Wrestlemania.

The show starts with John Cena hitting the ring

John Cena cuts a promo on The Rock's comments about him last week on Monday Night Raw. Cena was hesitant but decided he needed to respond, and respond the only way he knows how...and goes Old School with a Rap on the Rock and his movies and disappearing from the WWE. Lots of laughs from the crowd. Cena's Rap was far from "PG"!

-John Morrison vs. CM Punk

Both JoMo and Punk are visibly worn out from last night's match at the Elimination Chamber PPV

Quick match with CM Punk pinning JoMo after the GTS

Winner - CM Punk

Punk cuts a promo on Randy Orton and says he gave Nexus the day off, and recalls their history from 2008 and how Orton cost him his title

Orton storms the ring and attacks Punk, Punk escapes before Orton gives him an RKO...Nexus makes the save from the outside

Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto De Rio

Alberto Del Rio arrives in a Lamborghini this week then Kofi Kingston races down the ramp to attack De Rio. Match never starts and Del Rio tries to break Kingston's arm. De Rio attacks him twice on the outside before leaving

Match is a No Contest

The Miz with Alex Riley comes out and quickly addresses how pathetic the crowd was last week for cheering and getting excited about The Rock's return. The Miz then talks about how he will beat John Cena at WrestleMania and mocks The Rock and Cena by using their catch phrases...The Miz then is interrupted by the Anonymous Raw General Manager saying how he will deal with The Rock later, but for now it will be the Miz and John Cena teaming up in Tag Team action against the New Tag Team Champs Corre Members Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater

-Bella Twins vs. Eve & Gail Kim

The Bellas with a switcharoo and a pin on Eve

Winner - The Bella Twins

2-21-11 Is now here and the countdown has ended...and The Undertaker has retuned!

But wait....someone else has made their return and Triple H's music hits and Trips comes to the ring

The crowd pops big time!!!!! The King of Kings has returned

They stare each other down then both look towards the WrestleMania banner. Looks like WM27 will feature a Triple H vs. Undertaker match

King Shaemus vs. Mark Henry

Henry with the World's Strongest Slam

Winner- Mark Henry

What's going on with Shaemus's push? Or lack thereof

After the break we see a Daniel Bryan and Shamus confrontation. Possible setup for a WresteMania US Title match for Shaemus?

The next 2011 Hall Of Fame inductee will be Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Michael Cole/Jerry Lawler interview

Jerry Lawler isn't answering any of Cole's "Pro" Miz questions and digs. Cole states that Lawler let his Mother down by not winning at the Elimination Chamber.

Lawler then challenges Cole to a match at WM. Cole leaves the ring and Lawler follows only to have Cole throw water at him and run away

-Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater (WWE Tag Team Champs) vs. The Miz (With Alex Riley) & John Cena

Shockingly quick match with Miz hitting the Skull Crushing Finale on Justin Gabriel

Winner -and New Tag Champs The Miz & John Cena

Wade Barrett takes the mike and states The Corre wants to invoke their rematch clause for the titles. The Raw GM then chimes in and Josh Matthews(In place of Michael Cole) says "ring the bell "signifying the rematch will begin

Back and forth match...lots of cheers for The Miz. Cena hits the ring after a tag and goes for the finish but...

The Miz gives John Cena a Skull Crushing Finale as he is about to give Heath Slater an Attitude Adjustment. Slater then pins Cena

Winner - and New Tag Team Champions Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater

WWE News and Gossip:

-The Rock isn't the only former WWE Champ that has made their return back home, Trish Stratus made her return to the WWE last night at the PPV and announced that she will be a trainer for the New Tough Enough coming in April

-Vickie and Eddie Guerrero's daughter Shaul, is wrestling in the WWE's development territory in the FCW (Florida Championship Wrestling) under the name Rachel Diaz

-Rumors are that the "Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla" former WWE Champ will be on the next edition of Dancing with The Stars

-Shawn Michaels is being rumored as being a special guest referee at WM27. Could he be involved with The Undertaker's match?

-Kevin Nash vs. The Big Show is being bandied about as a WrestleMania match

Until Next Time!

-The TradeMark

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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
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Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011   The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011 EmptyMar 1 Mar - 12:57

The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011 Wweraw10

WWE Raw on February 28, 2011 was live from The HSBC Arena

Buffalo, New York

Okay wrestling fans, WrestleMania 27 is in 34 days away and the card is beginning to take shape!

At the opening of WWE Raw.... 13 Time WWE Champion, The Game, The King Of Kings, The Cerebral Assassin, Triple H is on the scene!!!

The Crowd went nuts for Trips. He is over with the fans! In his promo he went over the highlights of his career, and talked about the parallels of his career to the Undertaker's. He said, at Wrestlemania, the "streak" will die, thus the Undertaker will die!

Shaemus then comes to ringside, Triple H kicks him to the ground and throws him out of the ring, and attacks him on the outside. Trips then puts Shaemus on the announcement table and Pedigrees him through the table!

After the break Shaemus is being helped to the back and then the Anonymous Raw General Manager makes an announcement, through Jerry Lawler. He states that although Shaemus was attacked he is still having a match tonight. And his match is against returning superstar Evan Bourne!

Shaemus vs. Evan Bourne

Quick match, and Bourne hits the "Air Bourne" for the pin

Winner- Evan Bourne

Shaemus is falling quickly in the ranks of the WWE!

Michael Cole now comes to the ring to respond to Jerry Lawler's challenge for WM. Calls Lawler out and tells him to get his butt in the ring.

Cole states he will never back down from a fight, but won't face the King unless. He can have his "Trainer at ringside, and also gets to pick the referee for the match. The King accepts his stipulations.

Cole Announces his "Trainer" as former World Champion and SmackDown Star Jack Swagger. Cole taunts Lawler and as Jerry goes after Cole Swagger takes him down in a Ankle lock.

Cole and Swagger stand over a fallen Jerry Lawler

Stone Cold Steve Austin is announced that he will appear on Raw next week!

Randy Orton comes to the ring and hypes his feud against CM Punk. Punk then appears with the New Nexus and says that he and Nexus are ready to take Orton out.

The Raw GM then chimed in announcing Orton vs. Punk at WrestleMania, However if Orton can beat each individual member of the Nexus over the next few weeks, The Nexus will be banned from ringside at WM. And over the next few weeks series of match vs. Orton If there is illegal interference the Raw GM will Disband the group. And Orton's first match against Nexus is tonight against Michael McGilicuty

Randy Orton vs. Michael McGilicuty

Good showing for the son of Mr. Perfect Curt Hening, but McGillicuty just doesn't have enough to stop the Viper. Orton hits the RKO for the win!

Winner- Randy Orton

Orton then punts him in the skull ,and then leaves the ring as Nexus pursues him a la what happened to Husky Harris a few weeks ago

The Miz is now announced and he comes to ringside with Alex Riley. Michael Cole as usual marks out big time

The Champ talks about how John Cena's days are numbered, and The Rock's days in the spotlight are way over. Hypes the match at WM. States Cena should only be worrying about him, not rapping, and not worrying about The Rock

He also goes on to say at WM he will beat Cena, then beat The Rock, so he will be known as the greatest Superstar ever in the WWE.

John Cena's music hits and he comes down to the ring. Cena has a huge obnoxious Doctors' Note with him stating The Miz has OCD and goes into a funny rant on The Miz.

Cena then goes on to say if The Miz truly wants to have a lasting legacy he needs to stand alone and fire A-Ry. Cena challenges the Miz to some stipulations. He wants to face Alex Riley, and if he wins The Miz fires Riley.

The Miz accepts, under the condition if A-Ry wins he acknowledges The Miz's greatness. Cena accepts.

The Raw GM then announces the match will be in a Steel Cage to insure no interference. No pin falls, the only way to win the match is to escape!

Diva Battle Royal with Eve (Diva's Champion) at Ringside on commentary

The winner will earn the right to face Eve for the title

Brie Bella with another switcharoo for the win.

Winner- Brie Bella

The Rock now is shown on the TitanTron cracking on Cena. (The Rock's promo was pretaped from his home)All of The Rock's former titles are shown in the background

He states he has Cena's attention now . Continues to rag on Cena's attire and gimmick. And says Cena started all off this by calling him a liar and insulting him and his love for the WWE.

Tells the story how he grew up in the WWE through his family's involvement in Pro Wrestling, and how he paved the way for Cena.

The Rock says he will make Cena pay for running his mouth. The Rock then gives the crowd his own rap and vows make Cena smell what The Rock is cooking!

After the break Shawn Michaels (In a taped interview) speaks on the upcoming WM match with Triple H and The Undertaker. He compares the 2 wrestlers and their histories and styles. He states he thinks Triple H can end the Streak, but he if does He's not sure how he will feel about it.

Daniel Bryan (US Champion) is attacked while coming to the ring by The Miz

Steel Cage Match Main Event - John Cena vs. Alex Riley with The Miz at ringside on commentary

Even though The Miz gave his word that he wouldn't interfere in the match he kept interjecting himself In the action. At one point taking pictures of Cena on his Cell Phone. The hands his phone to A-Ry which is used to clock Cena. Match goes back and forth until Cena forces his way through the cage door for the win. But as he escapes the cage Miz is there to attack him and deliver a Skull Crushing Finale on the floor.

Winner- John Cena

Now we will have to see next week if A-Ry will be fired

In Other Pro Wrestling News:

- TNA Wrestling Head Honcho Dixie Carter is catching a lot of flak for TNA's recent 3-3-11 promo at the end of last week's Impact. This promo is being seen by some fans as a blatant rip off of the WWE's Undertaker vignettes. Dixie's Twitter account had tons of negative posts after Thursday's broadcast. TNA lack of creativity recently is hurting their cred with even long time fans

- The WWE recently signed Mexican Superstar Mistico or as he will be called Sin Cara. Cara is in the mold of Rey Mysterio

- Former Hardcore Legend the massive Abdullah the Butcher is a rumored addition to the 2011 WWE Hall of Fame as is NWA legend "Bullet" Bob Armstrong. Armstrong is the father of former New Age Outlaw and Tag Champ The Road Dogg Jessie James

- Rey Mysterio is up in the air about extending his contact. As many know, Mysterio has been plagued by many knee injuries these last few years

- Former WWE Wrestler and Intercontinental Champ The HonkyTonk Man recent posted a scathing blog lambasting Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff for backstabbing Vince McMahon and disrespecting the business

- SPOILER ALERT - Expect to see a Former Multiple time World Champ make their appearance felt on TNA's Impact on 3/3/11 in a Huge title match

Have a great week everyone. I'm off to the Arnold and am looking forward to a great show!

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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
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Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011   The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011 EmptyVen 11 Mar - 3:57

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Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011   The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011 EmptyMar 15 Mar - 16:41

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Date d'inscription : 03/01/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011   The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011 EmptyMar 15 Mar - 16:55

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Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011   The Rx Muscle WWE News & Monday Night RAW Report: 2011 EmptyMar 15 Mar - 22:56

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