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 News de Carlo Filippone

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Nombre de messages : 36686
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221
Réputation : -484
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007
Age : 110
Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.

News de Carlo Filippone  Empty
MessageSujet: News de Carlo Filippone    News de Carlo Filippone  EmptyDim 26 Avr - 17:26

Dernière édition par LEECH le Ven 10 Déc - 17:47, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 5914
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 7212
Réputation : 21
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2008
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News de Carlo Filippone  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: News de Carlo Filippone    News de Carlo Filippone  EmptyDim 26 Avr - 22:33

en bonne condition , le cuistot ! :)
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Nombre de messages : 7374
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 14877
Réputation : 105
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2009

News de Carlo Filippone  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: News de Carlo Filippone    News de Carlo Filippone  EmptyVen 10 Déc - 17:24

Carlo Filippone: The Muscle Chef
News de Carlo Filippone  Carlo_10

Carlo Filippone isn’t your average IFBB Pro.

He is fluent in three languages - English, Italian, and Spanish, being able to speak and write in all three!

He is also the president and co-founder of InMotionMeals.

He’ll be providing the meals at the upcoming Muscle Camp!

We’ve only seen him compete as a pro once. Read on to see why, and if he plans to compete again one day!

News de Carlo Filippone  Carlo210

Contest History:

2009 - Atlantic City Pro 202 - 14th
2007 - Nationals - Welterweight - 1st - Earned Pro Card
2007 - North Americans - Welterweight - 1st
2006 - Nationals - Welterweight - 8th
2005 - Naionals - Welterweight - 3rd
2004 - North Americans - Welterweight - 1st
2002 - USA's Lightweight - 5th
2002 - Jr. Nationals - Lightweight - 2nd
2000 - Jr. USA's - Lightweights - 3rd
1994 - Nationals - Bantamweight - 15th
1993 - Jr. Nationals - Bantamweight - 7th

AZ: You turned pro at Nationals in 2007 as a welterweight. Now, according to my records, you’ve only competed once as a pro. Are we going to see you compete again, or was your main goal just to get that pro card?

CF: Yes, I totally plan to compete again!!

Originally, when I first began competing, a pro card was never a goal; however, as my body progressed and a pro card became attainable, I wanted it!!

Now, having the pro card is nice, but I have to admit, I feel like I have at least another good year in me!

My pro debut was an extreme disappoint, as I, for the first time in my competitive career, entered a show at less than my best.
Redemption is on its way!

AZ: It looks like you’ve moved up along the way from bantam to light to welter. Then, when you competed at the Atlantic City in 2009, you were in the 202 Division. Are you still at a point where you’re trying to gain size, or are you pretty much where you want to be?

CF: LOL! This is bodybuilding; can you ever have enough size?

The truth is, I began competing as a bantam weight, but weighed 129 pounds!

I weighed in at both the Nationals and North Americans in 2007 at 165 lbs and was at least 170 pounds before prejudging.

I really don’t like being very big. I’m 5’ 4” on a good day! Carrying a lot of weight is just not comfortable! I will, however, do what I have to do.

I imagine I will be onstage in the upper 180’s next year.

AZ: So many people struggle with being able to control their food intake without being surrounded by it all the time. Being a chef, you are constantly around good food. Do you think it’s harder for you in contest prep, or is it easier because you are just so used to it?

CF: Well, it’s easier and it’s tougher…

It’s easier because I have the ability to grab what I need.

It is more difficult because I am around it all day every day; we consistently grill upwards of 200 pounds of chicken, per day. Steaks, salmon, etc…

Can you imagine having to inhale all this stuff daily, and then have to sit and eat it??? Sounds great, but trust me, it can get to you!

AZ: Tell me a little bit about your culinary background.

CF: This is simple! I was taught by mom and dad!

My parents owned a pizzeria.

Early on, I was involved with a lot of the cleaning and preparation, which eventually led me to learning how to operate the facility.

I went to college for two years and studied to become an accountant. I grew bored of this very quickly.

In 1997, I took a plunge into the business world on my own, as an opportunity presented itself.
I purchased my first pizzeria, which I quickly transformed into a restaurant. It was there, where I really came into my own as a chef.

As a young man, I knew that I had to be great in order to succeed. I experimented daily with different things and quickly learned that I really had a knack for making food taste great.

The trial and error process worked, as business just took off!

I feel very blessed.

AZ: You are the owner/co-founder of In Motion Meals, a company that delivers healthy meals to your door. Was this always a dream of yours? How did this all come about?

CF: It’s funny; I’m not really a dreamer! I never dreamed of turning pro, and I never dreamed of beginning this great company!

It’s actually a bit funny to me how I wind up in these situations!

After nearly a decade in my first restaurant, I sold it. I then took a long break, after which, I rented space in a local gym.

This space had a small kitchen set up in it. I opened up as Carlo Filippone’s Healthy Meals Café.
Immediately, business took off!

We sold shakes, supplements, and prepared meals.

Utilizing my culinary background, I was able to create a number of dishes which were healthier versions of recognizable menu items, i.e. lasagna, meatballs, chicken parmigiana.

The café became ultra-successful, as soon, not only were the members coming in, but outside patrons as well.

Eventually, within a three-year span, I opened up three of these cafés.

In 2008, my friend, who is not my partner, and I began to contemplate the idea of how to get my products to the masses.

We all recognize that this country has an on-going obesity crisis, correct? We figured we can help do something about it!

InMotionMeals was formed in 2008, and we have been growing strong ever since!

We now have the ability to reach all of New Jersey, all of Connecticut, all of New York City, parts of South Eastern New York state, and parts of Eastern Pennsylvania.

We hope to soon be able to become a nationwide company.

AZ: But…Gregg Valentino says your sure can make some pasta. Which do you enjoy more, making healthy dishes or not-so-healthy ones? And what would you call your specialty?

CF: Whooah!

Without a doubt, the non-healthy ones!

Gregg is right! He tasted my real stuff, back in the restaurant days!

I enjoy cooking the unhealthy versions for the sheer pleasure one gets from eating such foods.

However, we are a company with a cause, and I know that in years to come, I will look back and be very proud of what I will have accomplished.

It’s extremely difficult to pinpoint a specialty! Jeez, from penne vodka, to Chilean sea bass, to tortellini Bolognese, I can do it all, and with a smile!

AZ: You’re going to be providing the food for Shawn Ray’s Muscle Camp again this year. What can someone attending the camp expect?

CF: The campers can expect a great time and an unbelievable learning experience!

Imagine… a gym full of about twenty pros, all either instructing you, or answering questions for you!

I wish I had this opportunity coming up the ranks!

As far as what everyone can expect from InMotionMeals… great tasting food and plenty of it!

I’ll make sure we have plenty of our turkey meatballs for starters, by far, everyone’s favorite!
There will be other choices as well! We will not disappoint!

News de Carlo Filippone  Carlo211

News de Carlo Filippone  Carlo212

Day in the Life with the Muscle Chef Carlo Filippone: Part 1 of 2
Carlo Filippone is not only a chef but also a IFBB Pro. Watch as Rodney Roller spends the day with Carlo as Carlo talks about how his business model works for bodybuilders. Carlo talks about meal preparation, the ingredient, and what goes into a day of meal planning at IN MOTION MEALS.
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Nombre de messages : 1340
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 2041
Réputation : 10
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2008

News de Carlo Filippone  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: News de Carlo Filippone    News de Carlo Filippone  EmptyVen 10 Déc - 19:22

Comment on peut être cuisto et bber, cela m'a toujours blasé.
En sèche, ils doivent péter des cables en cuisine: 3 mousses au chocolat!! à table
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