In order to get that muscular and shredded look for the movie Fight Club; Brad used an intense workout routine for amazing results. His workout was characterized by focusing on one muscle group up each day, then giving it the rest of the week to recover. This is very beneficial for adding muscle mass fast, because muscles grow during rest periods and not during the actual time in the gym. Finally, at the end of the week, he finished off with a good cardio workout. This put his body in fat-burning mode, which served to shed any extra padding that covered his muscles, giving him that chiseled look. Here are the exercises that made up his workout. He performed 3 sets, taking approximately 60 seconds to rest between each set. Also, he used a weight that is challenging enough that to complete 15 reps (with the exception of pushups and pullups), but be fatigued on the last rep. Remember, proper form is a must! Monday - Chest 3 - 75 Push ups 3 - Bench press 165,195,225 (25, 15, 8 reps) 3 - Nautilus press 80,100,130 3 - Incline press 80,100,130 3 - Pec deck machine 60,70,80 Tuesday - Back 3 - 25 ull ups 3 - Seated rows 75,80,85 3 - Lat pull downs 135,150,165 3 - T bar rows 80,95,110 Wednesday - Shoulders 3 - Arnold press 55,55,55 3 - Laterals 30,30,30 3 - Front raises 25,25,25 Thursday - Biceps & Triceps 3 - Preacher curl machine 60,80,95 3 - EZ curls cable 50,65,80 3 - Hammer curls 30,45,55 3 - Push downs 70,85,100 Friday Treadmill 60 minutes 80-90% MHR Saturday Treadmill 60 minutes 80-90% MHR Sunday Rest Day Reps Range From 15-25 reps on all exercises and weight is in lbs
Nombre de messages : 22017 Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329 Réputation : 279 Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008 Age : 74
Sujet: Re: Célébrités musclées Mer 25 Avr - 12:10
Training de Brad Pitt pour Troye : Brad Pitt Troy Workout:
Pitt has several nude scenes in Troy and confirms "that's my butt. After working that hard to get my body in shape, I wasn't about to ask for a butt double." Director Petersen says it was Pitt who suggested the nude scenes. "Brad came to me and suggested we do the nude scenes. He said he worked so long on sculpting his body that it was time to show it. He'd really done his research and explained it was part of the whole Greek myth of the human body." Look Like This - Get Ripped Now! In order for Brad Pitt to get ready for the role in the movie Troy, He dropped cigarettes and sharply cut back on beer and chips, although he did allow himself the occasional treat: McFlurry shakes from McDonald's, "though it was more for a little taste of home, you know, a little Americana." Brad used a low-carb, high-protein diet during the training for his role. Physically, Pitt prepared for the role with a year of intense training. "The first three months were daunting and not fun at all." His days included two to three hours in the gym, two additional hours of sword work and four high-protein, low-carb meals. As a result, he gained about 10 pounds of brawn.
Nombre de messages : 22017 Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329 Réputation : 279 Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008 Age : 74
Sujet: Re: Célébrités musclées Mar 1 Mai - 10:53
The Rock:
Nombre de messages : 36686 Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 58221 Réputation : -484 Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007 Age : 110 Localisation : Planète des Elohim ,à une année-lumière de notre système solaire.
Sujet: Re: Célébrités musclées Dim 20 Mai - 13:43
Matthew Fox...ils auraient pu lui filer à bouffer sur son île .