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 Martin Kjellstrom

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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

Martin Kjellstrom Empty
MessageSujet: Martin Kjellstrom   Martin Kjellstrom EmptyDim 21 Déc - 11:28

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Nombre de messages : 1888
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 2272
Réputation : 5
Date d'inscription : 05/05/2008
Age : 33
Localisation : Suisse

Martin Kjellstrom Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martin Kjellstrom   Martin Kjellstrom EmptyDim 21 Déc - 11:31

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Nombre de messages : 6717
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 10050
Réputation : 48
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2008

Martin Kjellstrom Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martin Kjellstrom   Martin Kjellstrom EmptyDim 21 Déc - 11:35

oh ca dois envoyer severe
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Opium vs

Opium vs

Nombre de messages : 3143
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 4390
Réputation : 29
Date d'inscription : 22/03/2008
Localisation : Ile de france

Martin Kjellstrom Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martin Kjellstrom   Martin Kjellstrom EmptyDim 21 Déc - 13:18

tranquille le training
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

Martin Kjellstrom Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martin Kjellstrom   Martin Kjellstrom EmptyDim 21 Déc - 14:01

Biographie (issue de son site + interview en anglais datant de 2005!)

Name: Martin Kjellström.
Date of birth: 21 Sep, 1971.
Height: 6' 0.4" (184 cm).
Off-season weight: 312 to 319 lbs (142-145 kg).
Contest weight: 262 lbs (119 kg) last competition, next competition 268 to 275 lbs (122-125 kg).
Training since: 1995.
Competing since: 2001.
Work: Salesman, storeowner.
Family: Parents, two brothers, girlfriend Veronica and my dog Smilla.
Lives in: Gothenburg, Sweden.
Personal Competitive Record:
Oslo Grand Prix 2001, 1:st place
B&K Grand Prix 2001, 4:th place
Nutiriton Outlet Grand Prix 2002, 2 shows; Stockholm & Strömstad
Nutiriton Outlet Grand Prix 2005, 1:st place and Overall winner and holder of a IFBB Pro card.

How would you describe yourself?
I'm like a big teddy bear. I think that when people first see me they get scared, but it doesn't take long before they realize that I'm a really down to earth kind of guy. If people come up to me at the gym and ask something I take my time and try to help them as much as I can.

How did you get bitten by the iron bug & when did you first get involved in competition?
I looked at myself in the mirror one day. My weight was merely 152 lbs (69 kg) and I looked like shit! I'd been a long distance runner for four years, and it showed. I ran seven times a week, almost 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) each time. After that I turned to the weights and never looked back. I started reading training magazines the first two years because I didn't know much about pumping iron. I didn't get and I didn't ask for any help from anybody because I just wanted to do my own thing. After two years I weighted 202 lbs (92kg), ripped and with virtually no body fat.
Suddenly there was a guy that came up to me and asked if I wanted some help with getting bigger and he told me that I had potential to compete.
So I did two competitions in November 2001 and two in April 2002 with his help. After that I decided to not go on stage before I was certain that I could get my Pro card. And that's exactly what I did in late April 2005 by winning the Nutrition Outlet Grand Prix.

What is the best part in this sport?
To go to the gym and really work my ass of and then stand on stage and know that my body can beat yours!
The feeling of having total control of how my body looks and to see it develop.

And the worst part?
When you are sick or injured and can't train the shit out of yourself!
And also, unfortunately, to live in Sweden as a bodybuilder. There are too many people full of prejudice and envy.
This is not a big sport in Sweden so there is not much sponsorship to get. You have to pay a lot yourself and it costs a lot!

What is your training philosophy?
Always train hard. It's really important to listen and to use your brain. If you feel sick, don't go to the gym. It's both dangerous and you can't train as hard as you should anyway, so there is no use going there.

How many exercises per body part do you typically do in a workout?
Usually four exercises per body part, except for my back where I split it up into two sessions with four exercises each session.

How many days a week do you work-out, and what's the average time per workout?
I train 7 days a week for about 60 to 80 minutes each training session. Off-season I do 30 minutes of cardio every third day to keep me from gaining too much in fat and to keep my metabolism going.

Do you have a favorite body part and exercise?
No, not really. I like to train every body part just as much as another. My goal is not to get one particular body part better than another. I want to be complete.

During the off-season, what's your daily average percentage of body fat?
I keep my body fat under 11 percent during the off-season. I try to eat clean food so that I don't gain any
unnecessary body fat.

Do you believe in training "light" at any time, why or why not?
I only train with lighter weights when I feel bad or getting close to being over trained. Hard and heavy training equals bigger muscles. But then again it's important to use lighter weights and higher reps sometimes to reach the depth of the muscle and to keep your nervous system from getting over trained.

Do you believe in massive amounts of protein, why or why not?
Massive amounts, no doubt! I average about 600 to 900 grams (1.3 to 2.0 lbs) of protein a day. More protein, more muscle.

What kind of daily caloric intake do you have during off-season?
I don't count calories during my off-season. Maybe around 6000 to 8000 kcal a day. The high number is because I sometimes eat junk food on the weekends, but I try not to.

When preparing for a contest, how does your carb intake differ from the off-season intake?
I go low in carbs. It's mostly chicken and veggies, haha. I try to only get carbs (liquid) after the workout sessions because I found out that is the quickest way for me to loose fat. (See the differences between pre-contest diet and off-season diet under the Training section of this website.)

How much weight will you normally gain during the off-season?
About 44 lbs (20 kg).

Future plans?
To compete at the Ironman in 2006 and to get an invitation to the Arnold Classics. After that my goal is to qualify for the Mr. Olympia.

Ses classements professionnel:
2008 NPC Eastern USA BodyBuilding, Figure & Fitness Competition NP
2008 IFBB Romanian Pro Grand Prix 3rd
2008 IFBB Atlantic City Pro 16th
2008 IFBB New York Mens Pro 7th
2008 IFBB Australia Pro Grand Prix VIII 9th
2007 IFBB Santa Susanna Bodybuilding And Figure Contest 5th
2007 IFBB Australia Pro Grand Prix 4th
2007 IFBB Iron Man Pro 17th
2006 IFBB New York Pro NP
2006 IFBB Shawn Ray Colorado Pro 15th
2006 IFBB Iron Man Pro 12th

Adresse de son site:
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

Martin Kjellstrom Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martin Kjellstrom   Martin Kjellstrom EmptyDim 21 Déc - 14:04

New-York Pro 2008:
Martin Kjellstrom Img_07711210462571
Martin Kjellstrom Img_07721210462571
Martin Kjellstrom Img_07681210462571
Martin Kjellstrom Img_07831210462572
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Opium vs

Opium vs

Nombre de messages : 3143
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 4390
Réputation : 29
Date d'inscription : 22/03/2008
Localisation : Ile de france

Martin Kjellstrom Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martin Kjellstrom   Martin Kjellstrom EmptyDim 21 Déc - 14:07

franchement cette photo cette pause je trouve sa ligne tres belle
Martin Kjellstrom Img_07711210462571
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

Martin Kjellstrom Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martin Kjellstrom   Martin Kjellstrom EmptyDim 21 Déc - 14:07

Australia Pro 2008:
Martin Kjellstrom _30865251205035692
Martin Kjellstrom _30865271205035692
Martin Kjellstrom _30865281205035692
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

Martin Kjellstrom Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martin Kjellstrom   Martin Kjellstrom EmptyDim 21 Déc - 14:09

Australia Pro 2007:
Martin Kjellstrom Img_9091
Martin Kjellstrom Img_9071
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Nombre de messages : 22017
Pts Actifs/Pertinence : 36329
Réputation : 279
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008
Age : 74

Martin Kjellstrom Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martin Kjellstrom   Martin Kjellstrom EmptyDim 21 Déc - 14:15

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