Voici quelques-uns des bodybuilders actuellement blesses :
Layne Norton :pec dechire la semaine derniere .Pas de competition prevue avant 2010 .
""Last week I suffered a minor tear of my pec. At first the doc believed it was a strain and it never bruised so I figured it was, but after seeing it disfigured I know that is not the case. The doc believes it is torn at the musculotendinous junction. Typically surgery is not done for something like this because for a minor tear like mine most people don't want to go through the rehab due to a surgery because most people regain full functionality with just rehab. However, I've got plenty of time and don't plan on competing until 2010 probably. I'm a professional bodybuilder and my image gets out on the net and in magazines quite often so If surgery can make it look any better at all I'm inclined to do it. I have read about a new procedure where they use a kevlar material to suture the muscle to the tendon. Apparently with good success. What I am wondering is if you all know of any good surgeons who do this type of surgery on the muscle/tendon insertion. I realize this is a shot in the dark but I figured I'd ask. IF you don't know any, if you have any referrals to people who may know, I would much appreciate it.
Milos Sarcev :menisque ,tendon rotulien et quads dechires depuis le 7 mars
"I have MRI conformation since Friday that my meniscus, patella tendon and quadriceps muscle are all torn and in desperate need for surgical intervention..."
Wong Hong :blessures au bas du dos depuis fin janvier .A repris l'entrainement mais ne reviendra a la competition qu'en septembre.
Marcus Haley :quad dechire .Opere le 29 decembre .Prevoit de revenir a la competition en septembre pour l'Atlantic City Pro .
Victor Martinez :opere le 18 janvier ...tendon rotulien dechire .Retour prevu pour ....Olympia !
Si d'autres noms vous viennent a l'esprit ,n'hesitez pas .